“Two Novels: Gaze / In the Cochlea” reviewed by Rif Raf

Wie houdt van Kaffe Matthews of Ikue Mori zal zich graag begeven in het universum van de New Yorkse audiokunstenares o.blaat. Het mag das ook niet verbazen dat de twee bovengenoemede dames ook meedoen op “Two Novels”, een expositie van hyperscherpe, ultradigitale geluidsmanipulatie; ambient voor het getrainde oor. Ook Aki Onda en DJ Olive wagen …

“Two Novels: Gaze / In the Cochlea” reviewed by Paris Transatlantic

There’s a Quicktime movie on Two Novels too, an evocative hand-held camera night ride on the BMT Jamaica elevated subway. Brooklyn-based o.blaat, real name Keiko Uenishi, is best known for her interactive audio environments (including the reasonably self-explanatory “beat piece (with Ping-Pong game)” and “audio coat check”) but has laptopped her way throughout North America …

“Two Novels: Gaze / In the Cochlea” reviewed by Underground Society

Sonorités extrèmes comme plus souples, ce O.Blaat et ses guest stars ont déployés toute une inventivité rythmique pour mettre au point une musique séquentielle à basse de sonorités distordues pour créer un environnement semi fragile. C’est l’absence de toute mélodies qui renforce le côté indus minimaliste de cette oeuvre. On assiste par le biais des …

“Two Novels: Gaze / In the Cochlea” reviewed by Dusted Magazine

For her debut, she brings a bunch of her friends aboard, downtowners like Ikue Mori, dj Olive, Toshio Kajiwara, Aki Onda, Kaffe Matthews, and violinist Eyvind Kang. All players get puréed in her Powerbook, along with subway screeches, ringtones, and other urban clamor. The second-half of the album is meant for headphones, and microscopic tones …

“Two Novels: Gaze / In the Cochlea” reviewed by The Wire

With sleeve notes by Christian Marclay (who recorded her tapping her feet on the floor for his Footsteps record) and guest collaborations with the likes of Kaffe Matthews, Toshio Kajiwara, DJ Olive and Ikue Mori, Keiko Uenishi aka o.blaat’s debut album is something of an event. The album is split into two sections – the …

“Two Novels: Gaze / In the Cochlea” reviewed by Rockerilla

Perfettamente calibrato e decisamente curato fino all’ultimo particolare, il debut album di o.blaat svela la sua dopoia anima attraverso un percorso destabilizzato ed allo stesso tempo illuminante. Opportunamente impreziosito dal geniale artwork di Helen Cho, “Two Novels” si distende su tappeti ambient dagli effetti perturbanti, esperimenti minimali dall’impatto straniante, glitch frastagliato e semi-destrutturazione. Spesso affiancata …

“Two Novels: Gaze / In the Cochlea” reviewed by Facteur 4

Amateurs d’électronique fine, approchez ! Les notes de pochettes sont signées Christian Marclay : c’est donc un aîné imposant et hautement respectable qui nous introduit dans le monde de Keiko Uenishi (aka o.blaat), native du japon et new-yorkaise d’adoption. Celui-ci se matérialise à nos ouïes médusées par un disque diptyque : tandis que Gaze vient …

“Two Novels: Gaze / In the Cochlea” reviewed by Time Off

When Keiko Uenishi came to visit us here in Australia as part of the What Is Music? festival in 2002, she delivered some amazingly intricate sets of processed electronics. Her sensibilities, facilitated through the use of the LLOOPP MAX/MSP software generated a gentle but directed sound excursion that engages with its listener in a strange …

“Two Novels: Gaze / In the Cochlea” reviewed by Bodyspace

É agachado e de braços estendidos que procedo a esta resenha. O corpo aponta para o Porto, pois é lá que está sediada a Crónica – exemplar impulsionadora de electrónica de vanguarda que, a cada lançamento, nunca garante menos que um experiência única armazenada em invólucro de refinado requinte gráfico. Geralmente, grande parte do que …

“Two Novels: Gaze / In the Cochlea” reviewed by Jade

O. BLAAT a su déployer une stratégie de la disparition, une conduite de la dissimulation et ce, en laissant un monde microscopique de sons, d’échos, de formes sonores proliférer sur la maille translucide de ses compositions. Des soundscapes indicibles, des clichés sonores, des concentrés de vie et d’environnement, qui s’appuient sur l’utilisation du laptop, méta-instrument …