New CD release: “Crónica L” – celebrating 50 releases

Crónica is publishing its 50th release, and celebrating it with a new compilation CD to be freely distributed to all the subscribers of the Neural magazine.

Never a label to take things for granted or to act on the safe side, Crónica proposed 18 artists and projects to develop original collaborations, pairing them in unexpected and potentially fruitful ways. The outcome of this process can be heard in the 9 tracks of “Crónica L” and it presents an overview of the aesthetic scope of the label and the artists it releases, while offering a few good surprises.

More than being a retrospect of the seven-plus years of activity of the label, “Crónica L” wants to point towards the future and to all that, in spite of everything that was done, still remains to pursue. “Crónica L” is a sampling of a creative landscape to which Crónica contributes but that is far broader than its releases or even the artists it has so far released. Compilations are a genre that has been a special focus of interest for the label, since “On Paper” in 2003 to this most recent endeavor. They are perhaps the releases where, shy of an overview of the entire catalogue of 50 releases and even more podcasts, Crónica’s curatorial approach to publishing can be better understood.

“Crónica L” is freely distributed to all the subscribers of Neural magazine (issue #36, May 2010) and will not be sold through any of the usual distribution channels. However, we have a few copies to offer through a temporary promotion, please check how to get one here.

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