‘Three Body Problem’ is the 16th album from this duo; and their longevity has to be commended, considering the obscurity of their releases.
Like their previous release ‘Ab Ovo’, this latest output started as music formulated for a puppet theatre play ‘Agapornis’. This however, was recomposed after the event and is now its own soundtrack.
Minimalistic but understated, this latest piece of work is a sea of crackles and hisses dancing across a foundation of atmospheric ambient textures and bass lines. Overall, the sparse nature of the album steers distinctly away from being actual music, regardless of the interplay with actual instrumentation.
As far as sound experimentation goes though, @C will appeal to artistic types who revel in juxtapositions of noise that would sit well within an installation, or indeed within a live environment with corresponding visualisation. As such, this is an album that will not appeal to everyone; but does its job well, as far as contemplative aural exploration goes.
via Black Audio