“Three-Body Problem” reviewed by The Sound Projector

Now sixteen albums down the line, Portuguese duo @C continue to refine their own brand of subatomic click n’cut ambience with Three-Body Problem, which began life as Agapornis – another puppetry piece soundtrack (like Ab Ovo before it); one inspired by the writer Anaïs Nin. The title symbolises the logistical synergy of three phases of …

“Three-Body Problem” reviewed by Amusio

Das nunmehr sechzehnte Album der portugiesischen Klang-Extremisten @C fußt auf Agapornis, einem Stück des Marionettentheaters Porto, das sich 2014 dem Leben und Werk der Anaïs Nin widmete. Man wäre gerne dabei gewesen, das Dreikörperproblem des Albumtitels dürfte also metaphorisch zu verstehen sein. Dabei vollzieht sich das Album auf drei Ebenen: Als Bühnenmusik, als deren Rekomposition …

“Three-Body Problem” reviewed by Rockerilla

La sempre splendida terra del Portogallo viene associata al Fado come principale stile musicale. In realtà anche in queste lande ci sono i più svariati generi e c’è anche chi destruttura completamente la musica, asciugandola del tutto e da lì estrapola qualche suono per nuove forme di contemporanea. In questo sono maestri gli @C, due …

“Three-Body Problem” reviewed by Blow Up

“Three-Body Problem” è il sedicesimo album di @c, duo portoghese. Parte, come il precedente “Ab OVO”, da uns pièce su Anaïs Nin (“Agapornis”), per il teatro delle marionette di Porto. Attraverso uns serie di collaborazioni e rielaborazioni @c sono arrivati a maturare, dopo una gestazione di oltre due anni, delle composizioni dalla trama apparentemente sghemba …

“Three-Body Problem” reviewed by Silence and Sound

Artistes multidisciplinaires, Miguel Carvalhais et Pedro Tudela aka @c, sont des quasi vétérans de la scène lusitanienne. Avec ce nouvel album, Three-Body Problem, le seizième de leur discographie, tiré d’une création pour un spectacle de marionnettes, Agapornis, le duo nous plonge dans un monde étrange fait de murmures et de bruitages semblant surgir d’un monde …

“Three-Body Problem” reviewed by RifRaf

Juin, mois des chouchous. En provenance du Portugal, précisément du Théâtre de Marionnettes de Porto. Abonné depuis leur ‘Ab OVO’ de 2014, le duo @C renouvelle l’expérience sur ‘Three Body Problem’ (Crónica, plus que jamais). Les premiers instants sont énigmatiques, le temps de défricher le terrain. De percevoir les acquaintances avec Peter Rehberg, de se …

“Three-Body Problem” reviewed by Nitesylez

Another fresh one from the Portuguese Cronica imprint is “Three-Body Problem”, the sixteenth – sic! – full-length album composed by @c which is based on the music the duo of Pedro Tudela and Miguel Carvalhais composed for the puppet theatre play “Agapornis” back in 2014. Whilst track “Transcendence 115” has already been introduced a few …

“Three-Body Problem” reviewed by Black Audio

‘Three Body Problem’ is the 16th album from this duo; and their longevity has to be commended, considering the obscurity of their releases. Like their previous release ‘Ab Ovo’, this latest output started as music formulated for a puppet theatre play ‘Agapornis’. This however, was recomposed after the event and is now its own soundtrack. …

“Three-Body Problem” reviewed by Aural Aggravation

The sixteenth album from @C, like its predecessor Ab Ovo, began as a soundtrack for puppet theatre play Agapornis, inspired by the life and works of Anais Nin, and as such, has nothing to do with the kind of Three-Body Problem Elton John has. It also isn’t a soundtrack album per se: the soundtrack was …