“Digital Junkies in Strange Times” reviewed by Sherwood

Mi avvicino con passo guardingo, fingo di non conoscere l’essere impalpabile che governa il mondo nel quale mi trovo. So per certo che al minimo cenno lui si volterà, cercherà i miei ricettori sensoriali e trovati, inizierà la danza circolare che pian piano avvolgerà tutte le mie difese trascinandomi tanto così, vicino alla sorgente della …

“Digital Junkies in Strange Times” reviewed by Chain DLK

Delving deep into the laptop, “Digital Junkies In Strange Times” is a genre-ignoring collection of electronic ambiences that draws ethereal samples shamelessly from any source that appeals. Most prominently this is R&B acapellas (some re-recorded presumably for legal reasons), processed to drift in out of our consciousness like a distant radio broadcast, but other found …

“Digital Junkies in Strange Times” reviewed by Data.-Wave

The brand-new Ran Slavin’s album, which was just released on the label Crónica, sounded incredibly awesome in my media player. I’ve always been interested in his music, but I was surprised to discover that Digital Junkies in Strange Times was even more intriguing than his previous work. Not long ago, Data.Wave hosted an interview with …

New release: Ran Slavin’s “Digital Junkies in Strange Times”

Crónica is delighted to present a new release from Ran Slavin, “Digital Junkies in Strange Times”. As early as the second decade of the 17th century, the laptop was well on its way to being a favourable solo instrument, and it very soon evolved a special virtuoso literature that included every trick usually thought of …

“The Mediterranean Drift” reviewed by Data.Wave

This time the spotlights are on the release called The Mediterranean Drift, another record made by a musician living by the Mediterranean Sea. The album begins with the track Losing coordinates inthe Mediterranean Drift that lasts more than 15 minutes. The first thing you hear are floating slow and viscous guitars with simultaneous rustles and …

“Nocturnal Rainbow Rising” reviewed by Data.Wave

A modern city is an ocean of sounds, techno universe, with its unique atmosphere, sound landscapes and environment. The album starts with the track Nocturnal Rainbow Rising, which approaches and grows on you, slowly, like the first shadows of a summer evening, and then it gets dark. Very near you can hear a sea, feel …

“Bittersweet Melodies” reviewed by Bodyspace

É um cliché dizer que uma determinada música parece ter sido feita a pensar num filme, seja esse filme real ou imaginário. No seu 11º álbum, o israelita Ran Slavin deu um pouco a volta a esta boutade; Bittersweet Melodies soa não a longa-metragem, mas a uma colecção de vignettes com pontos em comum entre …

“Bittersweet Melodies” reviewed by Kathodik

Album numero undici per il musicista/video artist/film maker israeliano Ran Slavin. “Bittersweet Melodies” mette in circolo materiali persi e sparsi composti nell’ultima dozzina di anni, lucidati e rimasterizzati. Una raccolta che nonostante il divario temporale che separa una traccia dall’altra, denota una discreta personalità, non appariscente ma di solida tensione unitaria. Stratificazione di segnali altamente …