“Praxis” reviewed by Tapage nocturne @ France Musique

Autre nouveauté discographique qui utilise l’art du son mais cette fois ci non pas en Angleterre ou aux Etats Unis mais au Portugal avec Cem Güney, un compositeur d’origine turque, né en 1973. Après de sérieuses études musicales en Californie Cem Güney s’est intéressé de très près à l’art du son, aux rapports entre phonétique, …

“Praxis” reviewed by Rockerilla

A meta strada tra il collage dada, I’esercizio di musique concrete e I’opera acusmatica, le 9 composizioni di “Praxis” possono spaventare I’avventore impreparato. La messe di suoni raccolti e prodotti con laptop, live electronics e radio é cosi ingente e variegata che la prima reazione non puo che essere di stordimento. Se poi Güney, sound-artist, …

“Praxis” reviewed by Freistil

Eine wissenschaftliche Arbeit mit viel Poesie: Das schafft Cem Güney, wenn er das Phänomen der Phonetik als algorithmische Komposition verstanden wissen will. Elektronik, die sich vor allem den Vokalen widmet und auf ein so genanntes, mir gänzlich unbekanntes “Nada Yoga” rückgreift. Ist hier das Nichts alles ? Ich nehme jedenfalls stark an, es handelt sich …

Cem Güney interviewed by tokafi.com

Cem Güney is the first to admit that Turkey still has a long way to go in terms of radically progressive music and Sound Art. Admittedly, there are hotspots, clearly confined oases of demanding sonic experimentation. But overall, the main focus still seems to be firmly placed on maximising profits and importing ideas instead of …

Vital Weekly reviews Praxis

The name Cem Güney sounds like a name I heard before, but I have no idea when and where. He hails from Turkey, where he taught himself how to play the trumpet and he studied in California. There he got interested in sound art and started to play electronic music. That’s the basic stuff I …