“Praxis” reviewed by Fluid Sonic Fluctuations

Hello everyone, it’s time for another review in my by now monthly Crónica review series. This time we got this excellent album called Praxis by Cem Güney. This is a release on CD packaged in a three panel cardboard gatefold sleeve in which the CD is beautifully housed between two holes and which features sweet …

“Praxis” reviewed by Kwadratuur

Voor de Turkse geluidsartiest Cem Guney zich ging toeleggen op experimentele elektronica kwam hij vooral aan de bak als dj en trompettist. Via zijn liefde voor jazz belandde hij bij pure improvisatiemuziek en abstracte geluidskunsten, een reis die zijn voorlopig eindpunt kent in ‘Praxis’, zijn eerste plaat op Crónica. Op ‘Praxis’ brengt Guney een negental …

“Praxis” reviewed by Loop.cl

Cem Güney is a Turkish-born sound artist who started within the jazz music field playing the trumpet. He studied music in California and he’s a DJ since 1994. “Praxis” is the debut album on Portuguese Cronica Electronica label, furthermore a compilation appearance on “V/A Mus….c”, (Cronica, 2008). Güney works both synthetic and recorded sound as …

“Praxis” reviewed by Comunicazione Interna

Per il turco Cem Güney un passato come dj e trombettista e un presente come sound-artist dedito a collages elettro-acustici. I due padiglioni auricolari sulla copertina di “Praxis”, trafitti da rametti appuntiti e foglie di un verde cupo, illustrano gli stimoli uditivi indotti da queste nove composizioni, persino scontrose ad un primo approccio, ma in …

“Praxis” reviewed by Bodyspace

Não é criminoso passar ao lado das relações que Cem Güney estabelece entre conceitos diversos e as composições que acabaram por figurar em Praxis, depois de dois anos de gestação. A explanação das relações ocupa toda a porção do press-release, que acompanha o disco lançado há algum tempo pela Crónica (que aposta frequentemente em aventureiros …

“Praxis” reviewed by Etherreal

Cem Güney est d’origine turque, et c’est influencé par le jazz et en particulier par Miles Davis qu’il s’est mis à la trompette. Puis il est parti faire des études de musique en Californie, revient en temps que DJ tout en continuant la trompette, et connaît sa deuxième révélation musicale avec Janek Schaefer, s’orientant alors …

“Praxis” reviewed by Basebog

Cem Güney è turco e ha cominciato imparando a suonare la tromba da solo. Poi è andato a studiare musica all’università della California San Mateo. Da allora ha cominciato a percorrere tutte le strade espressive che gli si paravano davanti. La portoghese Cronica Electronica, portavoce di un gusto speciale per l’elettronica contemporanea, spesso ma non …

“Praxis” reviewed by Paris Transatlantic

Previously unknown to yours truly, Cem Güney tackles several aspects of computer music with the right amount of profundity, the fragmentary nature of Praxis revealing itself as a value rather than a defect. In the press release the Turkish composer tries to focus our attention on the meditative qualities of certain kinds of sound by …

“Praxis” reviewed by Neural (english edition)

With sudden audio constructions, electro-acoustic and microsound influences, the Turkish multi-instrumentalist Cem Güney (who can boast past experiences as DJ and trumpet player) gives birth to a fascinating sequence of synthetic sounds and field recordings for the Portuguese experimental label Crónica. Compositions orbiting around an authorial attention focused on the perception of fragments, in forms …

“Praxis” reviewed by Neural

In foggia di repentini assemblamenti auditivi, elettroacustica ed influenze microsound, il multi-strumentista turco Cem Güney (che vanta anche esperienze in qualità di dj e trombettista) dà vita per la label sperimentale portoghese Cronica ad un’affascinante sequenza di suoni sintetici e field recording . Composizioni che gravitano su un attenzione autorale tutta focalizzata alla percezione di …