“Hidden Name” reviewed by Chain DLK

After meeting at the MUTEK Festival in 2002, sharing the bills on various festivals all over the world and a previous collaborative effort in 2003 along with Radbound Mens and Timeblind (“Quality Hotel” out on the Mutek label), Stephan Mathieu and Janeck Schaefer decided to spend some days together in the home of a classical …

“Hidden Name” reviewed by De-Bug

Aufgenommen wurde diese Zusammenarbeit in dem Landhaus eines englischen Komponisten, der den beiden Musikern auch eine große Sammlung an klassischen und exotischen Musikinstrumenten und Schallplatten zur Verfügung stellte. Zusätzlich machten die beiden Aufnahmen von Soundscapes in der Umgebung. Das Ergebnis ist ein äußerst entspanntes elegisches Album geworden, das mit Drones und Ambiences arbeitet, Klavierminiaturen, konkreten …

“Hidden Name” reviewed by Sonic Arts Network

Lonely spinning giants from the experimental scene ™: German Stephan Mathieu and English Janek Schaefer share their common interest of devouring a manicured history of pasty white memories and a soup of gossamer sounds, on “Hidden Names”. Recorded during the winter of 2005 in a Victorian void in the South of England (Manor Farm House …

“Hidden Name” reviewed by Boomkat

‘Two heads are better than one’, I think that’s how the saying goes, and it’s never been more appropriate than here on this devastating collaborative effort from two of the most respected ‘heads’ in experimental music. Stephan Mathieu has been chiselling out a name for himself on the ‘laptop experimental’ scene for a good few …

“Hidden Name” reviewed by textura.org

The seeming incongruity between the child-like drawings adorning Leise and its abstract contents is reconciled when one learns that all of the release’s raw sound material was produced by Frans de Waard’s daughter Elise (her name an anagram of the recording title) when she was three years old. “Knippers” initiates the disc, de Waard’s third …

“Hidden Name” reviewed by Etherreal

Stephan Mathieu et Janek Schaefer, deux artistes habitués de ces pages, mais que l’on aimerait aussi croiser un peu plus souvent, et cet album va d’ailleurs nous faire regretter de ne pas les voir plus régulièrement en concert. Histoire de les (re-)situer, Stephan Mathieu était un habitué du label Ritornell, plus récemment croisé chez Häpna, …

“Hidden Name” reviewed by Signal to Noise

German Stephan Mathieu may work with computers and instruments while Englishman Janek Schaefer uses turntables and field recordings, but the two men hold common values that no doubt contributed to the seamless quality of this collaboration. Each man shows a respect and appreciation for the sound sources they transform, and each has crafted music whose …

“Hidden Name” reviewed by Cracked

I prefer to listen to this CD with the windows wide open, fresh air streaming in and the noises of the outside world mixing with the soundscapes and noises on the CD. Somehow “Hidden Name” invites the wide open space of life and living nature or cities into its soundworld to fuse into a invisible …

“Hidden Name” reviewed by Basebog

Piccole etichette crescono: la portoghese Cronica, con base a Porto, sfoggia nel suo catalogo il nuovo lavoro del sodalizio tra Stephan Mathieu e Janek Shaefer, una collaborazione navigata da anni di porformance (si ricorda la loro prima a Mutek 2002) e che ora si cristallizza in una produzione elegante e preziosa. ‘Hidden Name’ è stato …

“Hidden Name” reviewed by Neural

Ulteriore progetto collaborativo di Stephan Mathieu & Janek Shaefer, dopo l’esperienza al Mutek in Canada, nel 2002, prima occasione nella quale i due artisti hanno avuto modo d’incontrarsi, presto seguita l’anno successivo dalle registrazioni con Radboud Mens e Timeblind e dalla performance del 2005 in Polonia al Musica Genera Festival. Produzione ideata e messa a …