Grand témoin des passerelles entre la création contemporaine, la musique et le multimédia nées de la révolution numérique, le label Crónica fait son état de l’art. Avec Hidden Name, l’étonnant label-media, comme il aime à se définir, nous livre une de ses cartes blanches proche de la perfection, tant la magie de Stephan Mathieu et …
Tag Archives: 027
“Hidden Name†reviewed by Jazz e Arredores
O sonho antes de acordar, quando as formas começam a ganhar contornos e a consciência começa a organizar os últimos fiapos de matéria irreal. Em “Hidden Nameâ€, Stephan Mathieu e Janek Schaefer, cúmplices de anteriores apresentações públicas, como os festivais MUTEK/2002 (Canadá) e Musica Genera/2005 (Polónia), tornam perceptÃvel essa passagem de forma plasticamente sedutora, oscilante …
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“Hidden Name†reviewed by Bad Alchemy
Hidden Name (Crónica 027), eine Zusammenarbeit von STEPHAN MATHIEU & JANEK SCHAEFER, entstand in Manor Farmhouse, Child Okeford, dem südenglischen Domizil von Sir John Tavener, Englands Echo auf die spirituellen Musiken von Strawinsky, Messiaen und Pärt. Die Erklärung dafür liefert der Mädchenname von Taveners Ehefrau Maryanna – Schaefer. Janek Schaefer, Jahrgang 1970, hat sich seit …
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“Hidden Name†reviewed by Liability Webzine
En terme d’ambient, peu aujourd’hui arrivent à faire évoluer un genre qui semble être rendu à un point de non-retour. Cela n’empêche en rien de voir nombre de disques sortir et qui ont bien souvent cette beauté glaciale et l’imprégnation d’espaces sonores infinis. Stephan Mathieu et Janek Schaefer se sont fait depuis plusieurs années déjà …
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“Hidden Name†reviewed by Loop
Here we have the work of two renowned musicians from the experimental scene: German Stephan Mathieu [interviewed on loop] and English Janek Schaefer. After sharing bills in several festivals and their common interest on the manipulation of sounds, they decided to work on Hidden Name in a pastoral place in the South of England. Over …
“Hidden Name†reviewed by Cyclic Defrost
Strewn together during a stay at a Manor Farm House in the South of England, Hidden Name invents its own mythic past. Its swooning, woody tones and swathes of haunting, echoing noise wipe away time’s contributions and seek out original memory, a universal stillness, a tantalizing quiver of immobility. Seductive subtleties are present in the …
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“Hidden Name†reviewed by Vital
Ah two busy bees, Janek Schaefer probably more at the forefront than Stephan Mathieu, but both are always to be found somewhere. This is not the first time that they work together. In 2003 they released a work that was made in a hotel room in Montreal, together with Radboud Mens and Timeblind (see Vital …
“Hidden Name†reviewed by Chain DLK
After meeting at the MUTEK Festival in 2002, sharing the bills on various festivals all over the world and a previous collaborative effort in 2003 along with Radbound Mens and Timeblind (“Quality Hotel” out on the Mutek label), Stephan Mathieu and Janeck Schaefer decided to spend some days together in the home of a classical …
“Hidden Name†reviewed by De-Bug
Aufgenommen wurde diese Zusammenarbeit in dem Landhaus eines englischen Komponisten, der den beiden Musikern auch eine große Sammlung an klassischen und exotischen Musikinstrumenten und Schallplatten zur Verfügung stellte. Zusätzlich machten die beiden Aufnahmen von Soundscapes in der Umgebung. Das Ergebnis ist ein äußerst entspanntes elegisches Album geworden, das mit Drones und Ambiences arbeitet, Klavierminiaturen, konkreten …
“Hidden Name†reviewed by Sonic Arts Network
Lonely spinning giants from the experimental scene ™: German Stephan Mathieu and English Janek Schaefer share their common interest of devouring a manicured history of pasty white memories and a soup of gossamer sounds, on “Hidden Names”. Recorded during the winter of 2005 in a Victorian void in the South of England (Manor Farm House …
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