“Flow” reviewed by Terz

Ebenso abgegangen und -gefahren: Joaquims Versuch, die Stimme als nahezu nackte Form der menschlichen Expression mit Computern zu verbinden. Die Struktur der Interaktion und das faszinierende instrumentale Processing kommen zu grandiosen Ergebnissen, die zu den intensivsten und experimentell besten Audios der letzten Zeit gehören.

“Flow” reviewed by Neural

Un flusso costante nell’esercizio certo non banale modulato da digitali astrazioni che sono relazionate a una voce: effusioni trattenute, scorrere del tempo, circolare del sangue, ondeggiare e derivare dai propri stessi percorsi, traboccare infine. Uno splendido e poetico album questo del portoghese Vitor Joaquim, intimista e inquieto, che molto racconta nelle sue sequenze instabili del …

“Flow” reviewed by Ox

Noch das vorherige Tanzvergnügen im Ohr wirkt “Flow” (cronicaelectronica.org/A-Musik) von Victor Joaquim milde ausgedrückt ein wenig langatmig, steif und zu konzeptionell. Ein direkter und intimer Austausch zwischen menschlicher Stimme und Computer soll es sein. Nun gut, hört sich vom konzeptionellen Ansatz her sehr interessant an, ist aber in der praktischen Umsetzung leider nur ein dürftiges …

“Flow” reviewed by BlowUp

Ciò che però in buona sostanza manca alle due opere citate è calore e capacità di emozionare (ed emozionarsi). Qualità che ritroviamo invece nel nuovo album del compositore portoghese Vitor Joaquim. E se, in effetti, Flow è il titolo della traccia video ad opera di Lia, il flusso che attraversa il disco è – come …

“Flow” reviewed by chaindlk

Cronica is back with a couple of releases, a better exposure and the usual good quality of their outputs just to say that if you haven’t noticed that, Portugal like Spain is an epicentre for what concerns electronic music nowadays. As you can see from their back catalogue Cronica is not one of those label …

“Flow” reviewed by Bad Alchemy

Flow (Crónica 025 + quicktime video) bringt ein Wiederhören mit VITOR JOAQUIM, einem der maßgebenden Köpfe der portugiesischen Electronica, der schon einmal mit A Rose is a Rose (dOc recordings) meine Schwurbelmaschine angeworfen hat (BA 45). In dicht verschlungener Mehrspurigkeit lässt er jeweils mit ganz unterschiedlichen Geschwindigkeiten langschweifige und kurzwellige Pulsfrequenzen ineinander rotieren, dunkle Tupfer …

“Flow” reviewed by Loop

This is a well-known Portuguese electronic musician who started as a music improviser in 1982. He works in many art forms such as video, musical compositions for cinema, dance, theatre, installalations and multimedia. His works has been released in several labels such as Crónica Electrónica, dOc, Ananana and he has composed the piece ‘Sensations Maker’ …

“Flow” reviewed by chaindlk.com

Portuguese multimedia artist Vitor Joaquim has traced a singular path over the last 25 years starting with improvised music in 1982 and then composing for dance, theater, cinema, video, installations and multimedia. “Flow” is his latest work on the Crónica label. The main concept here is the confrontation between voice and computer and in almost …

“Flow” reviewed by Phosphor

Each song title of Vitor Joaquim’s latest album contains the word “moments”. The concept of Flow is the possibilities and impossibilities of relationships. A concept that is difficult to translate or incorporate by means of electronics. But the spoken texts by Filipa Hora make up for this. Vitor Joaquim’s music is built upon abstract, relatively …

“Flow” reviewed by The Sound Projector

Another strong project by this Portuguese electro-acoustic composer, whom we first noted with his 2004 CD A Rose is a Rose on the Austrian D0c label. The Rose CD made sparing use of TV and radio samples alongside churning, trundling loops of electronic noise; Joaquim does much the same here, allowing disembodied and treated voice …