@c si muove con disinvoltura tra le sua macchine, e Lia riesce a creare qualcosa di particolare giocando sugli effetti e sui riverberi di forme semplici e spettacolari. Curiosi? Giancarlo Currò
Tag Archives: 010
“v3†reviewed by La Vanguardia
Pese a su cercanÃa, la escena experimental portuguesa goza de escasa difusión en España. Una auténtica lástima, pues se trata de una de las más activas y atractivas del sur de Europa. Queda esto claro en las últimas referencias del sello luso Crónica: tanto el colectivo audiovisual @c como Durán Vázquez – junto al australiano …
“v3†reviewed by ei magazine
A tide of new producers increasingly peg their work as “experimental” although few it seems have meditated on what it means to generate such work. The cliché is that experimentalism is characterized by its difficulty. Experimentalism is that which challenges us in our listening practices or our expectations of structure and convention. However, when carpetbombing …
“v3†reviewed by Black
Ja, ich gebe zu, nachdem ich Crónica zunächst in die “Abgehobene Kunst”-Ecke gesteckt habe, muss ich wohl meine Meinung nach den letzten paar Releases etwas korrigieren. @c kannte ich bisher nur vom “On Paper” Sampler, der ebenfalls auf Crónica erschienen ist und unter anderem diese CD war Grund für meine bisherige Einschätzung. Ok, einfache Kost …
“v3†reviewed by Cyclic Defrost
@C are the Porto based electronic artists Pedro Tudela and Miguel Carvalhais. Regularly utilising field recordings, samples and strange electronic sounds, over the course of three albums they have displayed a firm commitment to improvisation and deconstruction, in creating new and interesting links via their internal electronic dialogue. Their second outing on the strange and …
“v3†reviewed by Rui Eduardo Paes
Pelo que verifiquei nos seus dois discos anteriores e se confirma em «v3», as propostas dos portuenses @c vivem do cruzamento de estéticas e de modos de abordagem, indo de reminiscências do techno ao experimentalismo improvisado, e do “beat†mais explÃcito ao desconstrucionismo pró-abstraccionista. É sobretudo esta última vertente que nos é presenteada na sua …
“v3†reviewed by Paris Transatlantic
@c (try Googling that one and you won’t get very far.. go to at-c.org instead) is the duo Pedro Tudela and Miguel Carvalhais, and v3 is, as you might guess, their third album. Or perhaps the “3” refers to the fact that these nine tracks were sourced from three different performances in Palmela, London and …
“v3†reviewed by Loop
On ‘V3’ two slopes can be appreciated, one of improvised character with processing sounds of granular synthesis, along with atonal chords from the guitarists Mota and Hora and the other, with accent in rhythm and the beat pulsations in the minimal vein with the compression of microscopic and reconverted sounds, in addition to the sonorous …
“v3†reviewed by Spex
In ähnlichen Zusammenhängen […wie William Basinski und Richard Chartier…] bewegen sich @c aus Porto. Die live eingespielten Tracks von “v3” sind klar in algorithmisch-generativer Laptopmusik verortet, gewinnen aber einen gewissen Charme durch ihre filigrane Zartheit und Leere. “v3” ist damit eines der eher seltenen Beispiele, in denen Multimedia-Klangkunst auch unabhängig von der Performance und dem …
“v3†reviewed by Stillborn
v3 è il terzo cd di @C, il secondo per la Crónica, e il suo Hard Disk è stato il primo cd prodotto dall’etichetta portoghese.. ritorna quindi il nostro eroe con un disco che raccoglie 3 diverse performances raccolte durante le esibizioni del 2003, per la precisione l’esibizione del 5 ottobre all’EME Festival organizzato da …