Trondheim EMP’s “Poke It With A Stick / Joining The Bots” reviewed by Kathodik

Un percorso di ricerca internazionale condotto da Øyvind Brandtsegg e promosso dalla Norwegian University Of Science And Technology, che esplora e amplifica tramite tecniche di analisi ed elaborazione digitale, le capacità di interazione/comunicazione tra musicisti.Corde, voci, fiati, movimentazioni fisiche e svaria altra roba che una quarantina di artisti dopo una lunga fase di pratica, organizza lungo traiettorie …

Trondheim EMP’s “Poke It With A Stick / Joining The Bots” reviewed by Vital Weekly

Trondheim Electroacoustic Music Performance (EMP) is an ensemble performing improvised electroacoustic music. The project started in 2011 with the involvement of many different musicians over the years. It originated from “the performance explorations around music technology at Department of Music, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), investigating how technology makes us play differently, how …

Trondheim EMP’s “Poke It With A Stick / Joining The Bots” reviewed by Bodyspace

Percebe-se imediatamente aquilo que nos espera, logo à primeira faixa: ouvem-se vozes, assobios, numa espécie de coro call and response, dialogando ou, melhor ainda, duelando entre si. E depois há saxofones, guitarras, contrabaixos, canto, spoken word sem serem amálgama. Cabe de tudo, porque todas as estradas servem para chegar até ao destino ou, pelo menos, para apreciar a …

Trondheim EMP’s “Poke It With A Stick / Joining The Bots” reviewed by Toneshift

It is entirely indicative of the calibre of those involved, that Trondheim EMP manage to do something that is so often done terribly, so remarkably well.  Regardless of a listeners’ particular fondness for the types of sound they produce, there is no denying that the group is comprised of an extremely proficient membership, a fact that, more …

“Poke It With A Stick / Joining The Bots” reviewed by Fluid Sonic Fluctuations

Today I’m featuring an interesting and nicely long release as part of my Fluid Label Focus series on the CRÓNICA label. I received an advance review copy from the label from this new album by Electroacoustic music project TRONDHEIM EMP, titled POKE IT WITH A STICK / JOINING THE BOTS, so at the time of …