Matilde Meireles’s “Loop. And Again.” reviewed by Loop

Researcher and sound artist Matilde Meireles focuses on using field recordings to compose about various ecosystems such as complex aquatic ecologies, the resonances of everyday objects, local neighbourhoods and the architecture of radio signals. Her work is presented in concerts, installations, record releases, community projects and academic publications. She holds a PhD in Sonic Arts …

Matilde Meireles’s “Loop. And Again.” reviewed by Chain DLK

In “Loop. And Again.”, Matilde Meireles invites listeners on a journey through Belfast’s hidden electromagnetic undercurrents, each track a sonic impression of the city’s humming, droning core. The album emerges from her research project “X Marks the Spot”, where Meireles mapped telecommunications boxes whose ambient emissions formed unexpected symphonies across Belfast. Through three immersive tracks …

Matilde Meireles’s “Loop. And Again.” featured on Bandcamp Daily

Residents of Belfast may have noticed strange signs pasted onto telecommunication boxes around their neighborhoods in the past decade. One such sign, on Balfour Avenue, read: “Producing a continuous sound composed of: 92Hz, 120Hz, 178Hz, 235Hz, 408Hz, 580Hz, 1184Hz, 1327Hz, 3282Hz.” These were the work of Matilde Meireles, a sound artist and researcher whose X Marks the Spot project …

Matilde Meireles’s “Loop. And Again.” reviewed by Anxious Musick Magazine

Loop. And Again. zagłębia się w dynamikę pól magnetycznych, skomplikowane układy okablowania i ich wzajemne powiązania ze zmianami w otaczającym krajobrazie. Album jest częścią X Marks the Spot, większego projektu, który wykorzystywał dźwięk do mapowania określonych skrzynek telekomunikacyjnych – tylko tych emitujących słyszalny dron – w mieście Belfast w latach 2013-2019. W projekcie dźwięk sugeruje różne …

New release: Matilde Meireles’s “Loop. And Again.”

Loop. And Again. delves into the dynamics of magnetic fields, intricate wiring arrangements, and their interconnectedness with the shifts in the surrounding landscape. The album is part of X Marks the Spot, a larger project which used sound to map specific telecommunication boxes—only those emitting an audible drone—in the city of Belfast between 2013-2019. In the project, …

Matilde Meireles’s “Loop. And Again.” reviewed by Vital Weekly

From Matilde Meireles I reviewed a cassette before, ‘The Life Of A Potato’ (see Vital Weekly 1316), for the same label, now releasing, ‘Loop. And Again’, which isn’t the same colourful title as before. Meireles uses field recordings to compose site-oriented projects., and “investigates the potential of listening across spectrums and scales as ways to attune …

New release: Matilde Meireles’s “Vanishing Points”

Sound is everywhere. It exists on so many scales at times it is difficult to grasp. Its energies intertwine with the wider systems of a city, bleeding beyond borders and passing through our perceived boundaries. Many of these intersecting energies are imperceptible to humans. Even spaces we consider quiet are, in fact, extremely busy, full …

Matilde Meireles’s “Life of a Potato” reviewed by The Sound Projector

Quite nice field recording cassette by Matilde Meireles…on Life of a Potato (CRONICA 180-2022), she proposes that we have taken the humble potato for granted for far too long and resolves to show us more of its life, as rendered in sound. Her recordings depict the potato growing the ground, and also being roasted and eaten; she managed to …

Matilde Meireles’s “Life of a Potato” reviewed by Kathodik

La sound artist Matilda Meireles, raccoglie i suoni provenienti da un orto nel sud-ovest dell’Inghilterra (Pewsey), focalizzando la propria attenzione sulla patata.Eccoci dunque a seguire le fasi dello sviluppo/raccolta e utilizzo (dal taglio allo sfriggimento) del tubero portato in Europa dagli spagnoli nel 1600, e poi, divenuto ingrediente base nella dieta di molti paesi del vecchio …