“A Compressed History of Everything Ever Recorded”? Met zo’n titel ben je oftewel een ongenaakbare geinponem of een wanhopige filosoof. In het geval van Autodigest kiezen we voor het laatste daar zijn naam staat voor de ultieme culturele implosie: zonder geboortedatum, zonder geografische referentie. Op de koop toe koketteert Autodigest graag met de theorieën van …
Author Archives: Miguel Carvalhais
“On Paper†reviewed by D-Side
Il arrive de plus en plus souvent que les mondes de l’art et de la musique électronique se croisent et s’influencent, que des plasticiens sonores soient invités à illustrer des expositions ou à l’inverse que ce soit des démarches plastiques qui influencent leur propre pratique musicale. a des échelons divers, ces deux approces sont représentées …
“A Compressed History of Everything Ever Recorded, Vol. 1†reviewed by A Puta da Subjectividade
Há discos que podem até valer por si só, ou seja, apenas como matéria audÃvel com os consequentes remates opinativos; mas há muitos outros que tomam dimensões diferentes se houver uma pré-contextualização. O que seria dos “4.33” aparentemente silenciosos de Cage se não soubéssemos antecipadamente que o silêncio não existe no sentido de total ausência …
“Product 01†reviewed by Cultura / La Vanguardia
Pese a su cercanÃa, la escena experimental portuguesa goza de escasa difusión en España. Una auténtica lástima, pues se trata de una de las más activas y atractivas del sur de Europa. Queda esto claro en las últimas referencias del sello luso Crónica: tanto el colectivo audiovisual @c como Durán Vázquez – junto al australiano …
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“A Compressed History of Everything Ever Recorded, Vol. 1†reviewed by Ikonen
Leere und Abwesenheit von musikalischer Struktur sind 2003 selten so radikal thematisiert worden wie in diesen 11 Stücken von Autodigest. Tiefer Hall wechselt zu hochfrequentem Sirren, in Phasen völliger Stille purzeln millisekundenlange Soundschnipsel, die in der Tat wie das klangliche Endprodukt gnadenloser digitaler Komprimierung erscheinen. Endgültig dominant wird dieser Eindruck ab den letzten Momenten von …
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“A Compressed History of Everything Ever Recorded, Vol. 1†reviewed by Vital
The title of the Autodigest CD really sets me off: wouldn’t it be great to have all music ever recorded on one CD? “Autodigest is a simulation of processes of cultural implosion. As such, it has no birth date nor does it have particular geographical references”. So who is it? We are not told. Some …
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“Product 01†reviewed by Phosphor.nl
Sumugan Sivanesan is first up with Spare Your Speakers and this is exactly what II felt like doing as I played the first track. An exciting fusion of noise and extremely high pitched tones is not for the weak of heart or to be played while nursing a hangover. The intensity of the high pitched …
“A Compressed History of Everything Ever Recorded, Vol. 1†reviewed by Rumore
…nel quale viene vieppiù addizionato allucinatorio mulinare di matragliate noise. E se l’età e l’abitudine difficilmente ci consentono di apprezzarne a pieno gli esiti (dacché qui non si trova niente che i primi SPK, tanto per dire, non abbiano già fatto), riconosciamo anche in questo caso discreto sense of humour e volentieri porgiamo almeno l’altra …
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“On Paper†reviewed by Touching Extremes
I’ll leave the conceptual explanation of this double CD to its cover notes; suffice for me to say, this is mostly obscure concrete/electronic/pulse music presented by Portuguese artists with some “famous” guest, like Pure and Stephan Mathieu, whose highly personal sound is almost instantly recognizable in a group of pieces tending to suburban hollowness and …
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“A Compressed History of Everything Ever Recorded, Vol. 1†reviewed by Bad Alchemy
Wier wollte nicht schon immer mal A Compressed History of Everything Ever Recorded hören? Autodigest beginnt diesen geheimen Wunsch einer historizistischen Zeit wie dieser erfüllen mit Vol. 1. Der Klang der Welt auf einer kleinen Plastikscheibe, demnächst auch in Pillenform. Written and composed by jedem und keinem erkligt nahe am weißen Rauschen das klangmolekulare Chaos …