“Further Consequences of Reinterpretation” reviewed Fluid Sonic Fluctuations

Hi, I’m back again with another new review, today it’s this 2004 album of Reinterpretations of remixes of music by *0 by Paulo Raposo & Marc Behrens, titled Further Consequences of Reinterpretation. Released by the label Crónica the CD is housed in a clear jewel case and also includes an 8 page booklet with 7 …

“Further Consequences of Reinterpretation” reviewed by Vital

To describe what led to this CD is not an easy task. It started with the artist *0 (Nosei Sakata) who invited a bunch of people to remix his CD ‘O.000’ (which delt in many ways with silence, or at least sounds outside the hearing range) and among them was Marc Behrens. After the results …

“Further Consequences of Reinterpretation” reviewed by Funprox

Like its title suggests it is a further interpretation and reworking of a work called “0.000” that was once released by Japanese artist Nosei Sakata (perhaps better known as *0). The original work of Sakata contained no audible sounds, and was therefore ideally open for interpretation. The work was “remixed” and reworked by a score …

“Further Consequences of Reinterpretation” reviewed by Rui Eduardo Paes

Músico electroacústico e videasta com formação em filosofia e cinema, Paulo Raposo está em fase de particular afirmação. Vimos recentemente o espectáculo intermedia que idealizou com base num texto de Raul Brandão, «Húmus», e com as colaborações de Carlos “Zíngaro” e do actor António Saboga, e assistimos às suas manipulações vídeo no espectáculo «Senso», do …

“Further Consequences of Reinterpretation” reviewed by Urban Mag

Paulo Raposo is de man achter het Portugese experimentele Sirr.ecords. ‘Further Consequences of Reinterpretation’ is een verregaande samenwerking met de experimentele muzikant Marc Behrens. Het idee voor de cd kwam oorspronkelijk van de Japanse minimale geluidsartiest Nosei Sakata of *0. Diens cd ‘0.000’ bevatte geluid dat buiten de menselijke gehoorgrens lag. Dus kreeg je een …

“Further Consequences of Reinterpretation” reviewed by Bad Alchemy

Ausgangspunkt dieser Konzeptsequenz war die CD 0.000 von Nosei Sakata. Die enthält überwiegend Töne, die vom menschlichen Ohr nicht wahrgenommen werden können. Die Prämisse, dass man Alles quasi aus Nichts erschaffen kann, führte, indem sich Elektroniker wie Aube, Behrens, Richard Cartier, Hsi-Chuang Cheng, Bernhard Günter, John Hudak oder Steve Roden demiurgisch zu schaffen machten, zur …

“Further Consequences of Reinterpretation” reviewed by Touching Extremes

Multitudes of totally irrepressible spectral colours, a plot made of acousmatic short stories where narrative oscillates between protruding bushes in a scrub-land and narcotic otitis. Paulo and Marc’s project, as they say, creates “everything from nothing” and so, given the respective high level of skill in sound/space architecture, all I can do is remaining on …

“Further Consequences of Reinterpretation” reviewed by D-Side

I’ll arrive quelquefois, pour un remixeur, que la proximité imposée avec l’univers d’un autre créateur le temps d’un remix appraisse trop courte, que l’envie soit plus fort de continuer límmersion et la fusion des univers au-delà du travail initialement commandé. Il arrive aussi, même si cela est plus rare, que lesdits remixeurs poussent cette envie …

“Further Consequences of Reinterpretation” reviewed by Obradek

Vorbei die zeiten, in denen avantgarde anstrengend und schräg klingen mußte! Beide musiker haben die remixten versionen der 0.000 Cd von Nosei Sakata auf der sich kein hörbares material befand, genutzt, um live, im rahmen eines konzertes beim Goethe Institut in Lissabon, diese aufnahmen herzustellen. In einem ping-pong verfahren spielen sich beide musiker die gleichen …

“Further Consequences of Reinterpretation” reviewed by Loop

This disc published on the Portuguese Crónica Electronica label, is a collaborative project between the sound artists Paulo Raposo [who runs the Sirr.ecords label] from Lisbon, Portugal and the German Marc Behrens [Raster Noton, Trente Oiseaux, Sirr.ecords] from Darmstadt. This disc has its origins in the CD “0.000” of the Japanese Nosei Sakata, aka *0 …