“Musicamorosa” reviewed by Furthernoise

Hosted by Jorge Mantas, under the cloak of indulgently named and inclined The Beautiful Schizophonic, comes this assemblage, drenched in a musk of hyper-imagined bedroom-bound longueurs of laptop-lathered longing (mmm, the indulgence is infectious!). Musicamorosa is trailed with the heady referential aromatics of artistic influences ancient and modern. In addition to Proust – about whom …

“Musicamorosa” reviewed by Gaz-eta

In the promotional materials surrounding his new release, Jorge Mantas [aka The Beautiful Schizophonic] says: ”Marcel Proust has been one of the main sources of inspiration to me in the last years. His ideas devoted to the affections of the human heart, his approach deeply rooted on the long literary French tradition in which love …

“Musicamorosa” reviewed by Neural

Very delicate drones, fluctuating atmospheres, rarefied ambient scores and glitches, fragments of a literary universe (Proust’s, in his ‘Récherche’, several times cited as the main source of inspiration by Jorge Mantas, aka The Beautiful Schizophonic), infused in romantic empathy, ‘heart throbs’ and melancholic visions, redundant intimate experiences. A sensitivity that, in the (romanced?) figure of …

“Musicamorosa” reviewed by Rumore

“Uno stordente sogno in musica”, “gli uccelli che dormono nell’aria”, “un giardino ancora silenzioso prima del levarsi del giorno”, sono alcuni dei titoli prelevati dal corpo della “Recherche” di Proust che la musica del portoghese Jorge Mantas alias TBS anela ad evocare. Scaturito nel 2003 da esperimenti personali con computer e minidisc, il progetto trae …

“Musicamorosa” reviewed by Chain D.L.K.

Last time I heard from Jorge Mantas was with his cdr on Mystery Sea. I had shared a cd with him on Thisco, and I really liked his dark, concise, sometimes lo-fi approach to digital drones. I’ve lost traces of him for a while and now I discover he’s mellowed out: pink layout, Proust quotes …

“Musicamorosa” reviewed by Westzeit

Neu auf Crónica ist “MUSICAMOROSA”, das Debut von THE BEAUTIFUL SCHIZOPHONIC, der sich von romantischen Malern und düsteren Dichtern (Poe, Dante) beeinflusst sieht und seine Drone-Schichtungen aus vielfach verloopten Streichern und diversen anderen electronischen Zutaten mit Titeln aus Prousts “Suche nach der verlorenen Zeit” schmückt. So richtig zwingend ist das nicht, zum Chill-out im Avantgardeclub …

“Musicamorosa” reviewed by Foutraque

Décidément cette rentrée musicale est, pour ma part, placée sous le signe des disques en marge. Ceux hors normes, difficiles d’accès lors de la première écoute mais qui au final se relèvent merveilleusement beaux. Le premier album Musicamorosa de The Beautiful Schizophonic en fait partie ; distillant ses charmes envoûtants au fil des écoutes successives. …

“Musicamorosa” reviewed by De-Bug

Sehr Konzept-bezogen und doch so schön. Jorge Mantas liest Proust und schon gibt es Tracktitel. Und auch die Musik ist von dem Literaten inspiriert, wie das funktioniert, muss man hier nicht ausbreiten. Viel wichtiger der Klang, und wenn man unbedingt Vergleiche ziehen will, dann ist dieses Album die definitive Mischung aus Marsen Jules, Gas und …

“Musicamorosa” reviewed by Igloo

It caresses the mind and careens forward, this Beautiful Schizophonic (Jorge Mantas). Musicamorosa is a selection of passages, deep and full-bodied in passionate drone. Music for the awakening of the soul, no doubt. Much of this was influenced by the romantic sense of time, and losing it, in the literary work of the great Proust …

“Musicamorosa” reviewed by Boomkat

The Beautiful Schizophrenic is the pseudonym of sound designer Jorge Mantas, an artist who clearly has a bit of a fixation on Marcel Proust: all but two of the titles here are borrowed from lines of text from the author’s A La Recherche Du Temps Perdu – La Prisonniere. Of course it’s utterly preposterous to …