New release: @c’s “GML Variations”

The new @c album, GML Variations is now available to download or stream. There are also still some copies available of the limited release CD in a gatefold sleeve, so get them while you can. GML Variations started with a commission to compose a piece for the Robotic Gamelan of Casa da Música, in Porto, …

TBA Podcast with @c

Dito e Feito · #24 Miguel Carvalhais e Pedro Tudela – VOCx The TBA Podcast features @c work in its most recent episode, looking at their sound installation VOC(x), which should have opened last April but was delayed by the pandemic. The mix created for this podcast looks at one among many possible articulations of …

Síria’s “Boa-Língua” reviewed by Musik an sich

Síria ist das Projekt der portugisischen Elektronik / Perkussionsmusikerin und Sängerin Diana Combo. Boa-Lingua ist Ihr zweites Album nach dem 2016 erschienenen Debüt und ist eher zufällig entstanden, denn die Aufnahmen stammen von Ãœbungen und Sessions, die nicht zwingend zu einem Album führen sollten.Die Musik der Portugiesin ist ein dunkler elektronischer Soundscape. Drones drehen sich um sich …

Rutger Zuydervelt & Bruno Duplant’s “L’incertitude” reviewed by Fluid Radio

L’incertitude has spent life in two separate countries, but in spite of its long-distance discourse, it offers a natural, uninterrupted flow of sound. For Bruno Duplant and Rutger Zuydervelt, the collaborative process was smooth and intuitive – there were no lengthy discussions, and that has carved a creative outlet into the music, allowing it to be …

Francisco López & Miguel A. García’s “Ekkert Nafn” reviewed by Music Map

Francisco López e Miguel A. García sono due musicisti spagnoli da tempo attivi rispettivamente nel campo della sperimentazione e dell’improvvisazione, con ottimi riscontri in termini di critica. “Ekkert nafn”, che in islandese significa “senza nome”, è il primo lavoro realizzato in duo (è appena uscito per Crónica Records), e mette insieme fonografia, ovvero le registrazioni …

Tamtam’s “Rheingold” reviewed by The Sound Projector

Sam Auinger scored quite a hit with this writer in 2001, when he made Box 30/70 with Bruce Odland (appearing as O+A). I seem to recall they created a fascinating twist on the field recording genre with their innovative “box”, which sits by a roadside and does unusual things to the sound of cars rushing past. This …

“Bittersweet Melodies” reviewed by Fuild Sonic Fluctuations

Today I’m back with a Fluid Label Focus on CRÓNICA on this blog. And I’ve got an excellent album by a familiar name for you. This is the album BITTERSWEET MELODIES by RAN SLAVIN, released on CRÓNICA in 2016. Miguel was so kind as always to send me a review copy of the Limited-edition CD …

“For Pauline” reviewed by Ambient Blog

A few months before Pauline Oliveros passed away (November 2016), Edu Comelles commisioned a concert by accordionist Isabelle Latorre meant to be a free musical interpretation of Oliveros’ ‘Deep Listening‘ theories. The concert, premiered at the Ensems Festival early 2017, thus became a very special tribute to the life, work and philosophy of Pauline Oliveros. …