“Product 02” reviewed by Ikonen

Das Portugiesische Label Cronica hat sich seit einiger Zeit einen Namen mit konzeptionellen Veröffentlichungen experimenteller Musik gemacht. In der Reihe ‘Product’ werden jeweils zwei Werke eines oder verschiedener Künstler vorgestellt und zugleich miteinander konfrontiert. Dabei wird auch auf die gesplittete Formatierung der klassischen Schallplatte zurück verwiesen. Jede CD der Reihe ist zudem ausgestattet mit dem …

“Product 02” reviewed by Sands

L’israeliano Ran Slavin (aka Tonr, Extract, Iran_Comp, Aerial, Rose Of Jericho…) è stato chitarrista e bassista in gruppi rock ancor prima che musicista elettronico, e i suoni della chitarra continuano ad avere un ruolo fondamentale nei suoi intrecci fennesziani (e sono proprio quei suoni a renderli tali). Tropical Agent e Ears In Water sono due …

“Product 02” reviewed by ei magazine

Israel’s Ran Slavin is the subject of two pieces for his contributing Product. As his liner notes state, there is something of an “organic synthesis in an urban environment” to these pieces. The environment itself, perhaps of Slavin’s hometown of Tel-Aviv, struggles to be heard in the composition. This accords with his process, for he …

“Product 02” reviewed by Liability

«Tropical Agent» donne en tout cas toute la mesure des capacités de R.Slavin. Ce compositeur que l’on connaît sous bien des pseudos (Tonr, Extract, Aerial, Iran_Camp ou Rose Of Jericho) et qui est un vétéran des musiques improvisées et de rock expérimental nous montre ici l’étendu de son talent en mettant en forme des compositions …

“Product 02” reviewed by Stillborn

In casa Crónica i dischi della serie Product sono quasi sempre degli split tra due artisti, il caso vuole che i due artisti a divedersi lo spazio su Product 02 siano Ran Slavin e.. Ran Slavin! Essì! Ran Slavin che splitta con se stesso.. il compositore israeliano, conosciuto negli anni anche sotto diversi pseudonimi come …

“Product 02” reviewed by Rockerilla

…i due album firmati Ran Slavin e qui riasemblati in un eraviglioso ambiente fluttuante e mellifluo, dove piccole increspature di suono e crepitii riescono a mandare in estasi gli ascoltatori più delicati. L’utilizzo di chitarre manipolate, di violini triduli e di frequenze molto basse dona sensazioni ora di salubre tepore, ora di leggera asperità, conducendo …

“Product 02” reviewed by Funprox

Ran Slavin’s CD is apparently meant to be a split CD with himself (an original approach I must admit). This release is also quite minimal, but contains more accessible sounds (loops and drones) from an instrumental background that form a warm, almost Mediterranean, atmosphere somewhere between the styles of Fennesz and Vance Orchestra. The overall …

“Product 02” reviewed by A Puta da Subjectividade

As edições da Crónica Electrónica têm marcado positivamente o último ano, tanto pela regularidade como sobretudo pela coerência e qualidade dos lançamentos na área da experimentação audiovisual. Dentro do movimentado calendário editorial destaca-se a série Product, uma bem delineada recuperação da lógica split que possibilita a conjugação de duas peças distintas por dois artistas diferentes, …

“Product 02” reviewed by Cyclic Defrost

This album from the experimental Portuguese label Cronica is actually a split disc featuring two separate works, coincidently from the same artist. Ran Slavin is an audio/ video composer and improviser who has previously operated under diverse monikers such as Tonr, Extract, Iran and Rose of Jericho, working with various noise outfits in Israel and …

“Product 02” reviewed by Touching Extremes

Blinding flashes, quick mirages and sad memories seem to be what Ran Slavin builds upon. Here he presents two works, “Tropical agent” and “Ears in water”; both parts very well functioning as “active ambient” material, perfect to be listened during other activities – nevertheless, the care in assembling sounds is total, guaranteeing a stimulating perspective …