Síria’s “Boa-Língua” reviewed by The Moderns

Why do so few improvised recordings feature vocals? Here’s a theory. Part of improv’s appeal is the vulnerability of the artists involved. On-stage or in-studio, it requires a degree of self-assuredness that few of us can muster. This is what’s so often misunderstood about improvisational performance. The absence of written music does not make it …

New release: Síria’s “Boa-Língua”

Boa-Língua is the second album by Síria. It departs from her former work, Cuspo, using it as a foundation for structure and duration, while following very different pulses. Boa-Língua was made from recordings of practice sessions that were not originally intended to be used or worked as songs. Boa-Língua means “good tongue”, used in opposition to “má-língua”, literally “bad tongue”, a Portuguese …

Síria’s “Boa-Língua” reviewed by African Paper

So wie einem die besten kreativen Gedanken oft beim Gehen oder in der Badewanne kommen, entstehen die Releases von Sängerin Diana Combo alias Síria meist als Nebenprodukte kleinerer Arbeiten, die ganz unerwartet ein Eigenleben erhalten. So wie sich ihr erstes Album aus einer Auftragsarbeit heraus verselbstständigt hatte, ist “Boa-Língua” das Resultat einer der Stimmübungen, die …

Síria’s “Boa-Língua” reviewed by Vital Weekly

‘Boa-Lingua’ is the follow-up to ‘Cuspo’ (see Vital Weekly 1151). Siria is the work of Diana Combo and her main instrument is the voice, in combination with vinyl records, field recordings “and other sound sources”. The press release also mentions “Boa-Língua was made from recordings of practice sessions that were not originally intended to be …

Síria’s “Cuspo” reviewed by The Sound Projector

Understated voice and drone thing from Síria on her Cuspo (CRÓNICA 142-2018) cassette, which has been executed quite simply by recycling field recordings and old LP records, creating sounds on which Síria intones and chants her vocal additions. Despite the slow pace, near-whispered method, and unvarying tone, there’s still power to it; she manages to instil every moment with a …

Síria’s “Cuspo” reviewed by Oro Molido

Este proyecto es la primera grabación oficial de Diana Combo, una joven artista radicada en la ciudad de Oporto, vinculada al arte sonoro, que recurre a muy diferentes fuentes para realizar sus composiciones. En concreto, Cuspo puede calificarse como arte radiofónico, puesto que existe un hilo conductor que se manifiesta en los textos por medio …

Síria’s “Cuspo” reviewed by African Paper

Manchmal entstehen umfangreiche Arbeiten aus kleinen Impulsen. Für Diana Combo, die Frau hinter dem Soundprojekt Síria und außerdem Sängerin, beginnt ihr Tape „Cuspo“ mit einem Auftrag. Ein Autor hatte sie gebeten, Patti Smiths „Gloria“ und einen eigenen Song für eine Theaterproduktion einzusingen. Während ihrer Suche nach passenden Stimmungen, Melodien und Texten entstand recht schnell ein …

Síria’s “Cuspo” reviewed by The Wire

Vinyl records, recordings and vocals combine in Portuguese artist Diana Combo’s latest work. I know this, because when you visit Síria’s Bandcamp page, the process of recording is explained. Artists, especially those coming from a visual world before they get engaged in music, love explaining what they do, how they do it, why they do …