“Still Important Somekind Not Normally Seen (Always Not Unfinished)” reviewed by ei magazine

Combining the compositional talents of Stilluppsteypa alumni Heimir Björgúlfsson and Helgi Thorsson with talented Australian Pimmon, Still Important Somekind Not Normally Seen (Always Not Unfinished) documents two live performances at Melkfabriek, Den Bosch, which were further enhanced by the editing skills of Main’s Robert Hampson. By simply compiling the best bits and pieces of the …

“Still Important Somekind Not Normally Seen (Always Not Unfinished)” reviewed by Bad Alchemy

Still Important Somekind Not Normally Seen (Always Not Unfinished) (Crónica 014~2004), diese etwas sperrige Ãœberschrift wählten HEIMIR BJÖRGÚLFSSON, PIMMON & HELGI THORSSON für den Mitschnitt ihrer Liveperformance vom 5./6.Oktober 2002 in der Melkfabriek in Den Bosch. Björgúlfsson hat sich mit Stilluppsteypa und einer Reihe von Solowerken sowie als Leiter des inzwischen eingestellten Fire Inc.-Labels einen …

“Still Important Somekind Not Normally Seen (Always Not Unfinished)” reviewed by Blow Up

La lunghezza del titolo dell’album ha già bruciato buona parte dello spazio concesso da questa rivista alle singole recensioni. Già per questo i tre inspirano simpatia. Chi non è estraneo ai lavori dei genieali Stylluppsteypa avrà peraltro riconosciuto la propensione ai titoli prolissi e assurdi dei folli Islandesi, ed è proprio all’universo Stylluppsteypa che appartengono …

“Still Important Somekind Not Normally Seen (Always Not Unfinished)” reviewed by Music Scan

Im Gegensatz zu O.Blaats Album, bleibt dieses Werk nicht auf der Hälfte der Strecke zur vollen Dynamikinstanz liegen, denn hier tritt doch eine sehr viel breitere Vielfalt auf, die sich auch nicht scheut, hier und da ein paar Beats fallen zu lassen. Das lockert die ansonsten sehr fein gesponnen Klangteppiche angenehm auf und lässt die …

“Still Important Somekind Not Normally Seen (Always Not Unfinished)” reviewed by Paris Transatlantic

Björgúlfsson / Pimmon / Thorsson sounds like a bit of a mouthful, and so does the title of their album Still Important Somekind Not Normally Seen (Always Not Unfinished). Heimir Björgúlfsson and Helgi Thorsson, formerly of the group Stilluppsteypa (whatever happened to Stilluppsteypa?) teamed up with Australia’s Paul Gough, aka Pimmon (whatever happened to Pimmon?) …

“Still Important Somekind Not Normally Seen (Always Not Unfinished)” reviewed by Underground Society

C’est dans un emballage bizarre que le label Cronica nous fait découvrir un document sonore auditif de trois auteur s/ dj. Tout est passé en revue dans ce live monstrueux, pour faire danser le public avec des fréquences digitales, du sample ou des rythmes minimalistes. On reste médusé par la cohérence qu’ont Heimir Björgúlfsson, Helgi …

“Still Important Somekind Not Normally Seen (Always Not Unfinished)” reviewed by Friend of Devils

This is a live collaboration that sees Iceland’s Bjorgulfsson and Thorsson (ex- Stilluppsteypa) glitching out with Pimmon; then letting Robert Hampson edit the subtle mayhem into nine tracks of divisive ambience. Processed sounds of the laptop generation collide with delicate beats and discordant noise to present a journey that is fun to travel on but …

“Still Important Somekind Not Normally Seen (Always Not Unfinished)” reviewed by Facteur 4

L’excellent label portugais Crònica nous donne encore de ses (bonnes) nouvelles avec ce disque au titre et à la pochette fleuris. Mais attention : de derrière les fleurs peut surgir un monstre ambigu et cauchemardesque, voire une cravate et une sucette…Alors méfiance. Alerte aux sens. Le trio est une formule qui renvoie peut-être inconsciemment au …

“Still Important Somekind Not Normally Seen (Always Not Unfinished)” reviewed by Funprox

Microtonal composers Heimir Bjorgulfsson, Helgi Thorsson (both of Stilluppsteypa) and Pimmon performed at the Melkfabriek in Den Bosch and recorded this CD, which is their live set. The sound got edited by Robert Hampson (Main). The CD contains a mix between microtonal noise, clicks and drones, and sporadic electronic beats. This combination works really well …

“Still Important Somekind Not Normally Seen (Always Not Unfinished)” reviewed by Sands

Racchiuso in una confezione da ‘flower power immalignito’ arriva il nuovo sensazionale, almeno per quanto riguarda la collaborazione, CD della Crónica. Si tratta di una performance che ha visto insieme sul palco l’australiano Pimmon e due terzi degli islandesi Stilluppsteypa. Le registrazioni provengono da una data in Olanda, al De Melkfabriek in Den Bosch, ma …