“Lectures” reviewed by Bad Alchemy

PIOTR KUREKs Lectures (Crónica 042) sind eine elektroakustische Hommage an Cornelius Cardew. Kurek, 1978 in Warschau geboren, ist bisher am ehesten noch für das Projekt Slepcy bekannt. Er war in der glücklichen Lage, seine Musik für Perkussion, diverse Blasinstrumente, Akkordeon und Synthesizer, die er 2007 für eine vom Avantaktivisten Michal Libera organisierte Konzertreihe der innovativen …

New TJ Norris’s podcast focuses on Crónica

The latest podcast from TJ Norris focuses on Crónica’s catalog, featuring pieces from @c, Freiband, Gintas K, Janek Schaefer, Marc Behrens, Paulo Raposo, Piotr Kurek and Stephan Mathieu. Get it from TJ Norris’s site or from iTunes.

Piotr Kurek’s highlights of 2009

maybe not everything new but just things i liked this year… releases moondog – more moondog (honest jons, 2009), shogun kunitoki – vinonaamakasio (fonal, 2009) biosphere – wireless – live at the arnolfini (touch, 2009) vincent gallo – when (warp, 2001) sun ra – atlantis (saturn, 1967) giuseppe ileasi – axis (12k, 2009), gesellschaft zur …

“Lectures” reviewed by Earlabs

Cornelius Cardew was a musician who had his feet in avant-garde music. He worked as assistant of Karlheinz Stockhausen, was member of free improvisation group AMM and at the end of the sixties formed the group Scratch Orchestra. While in this orchestra he build up a huge aversion against avant-garde music and the elitist nature …

“Lectures” reviewed by Rumore

Origini colte invece per Lectures (Crónica) del polacco Piotr Kurek, che interviene su registrazioni acustiche effettuate a Varsavia nel 2007 ad un festival intitolato a Cornelius Cardew, intercalandole con frammenti di conferenze e performance del compositore, procurate dal di lui figlio Walter. Attivo anche nel combo breakcore Slepcy, Kurek opera alchemici tagli e montaggi, dando …

“Lectures” reviewed by Rockerilla

Dopo aver di recente (Rockerilla 349) tessuto le lodi di Tomas Bednarczyk, ci trovia- mo a parlare di un altro giovane polacco attivo da qualche anno in contesti di musica di ricerca. Piotr Kurek (1978) omaggia, con un atteggiamento che si colloca a metà strada tra lo spirito di devozione e il rigore filologico, la …

“Lectures” reviewed by De:Bug

Kammermusikalische Gesten von Holzbläsern, viel Percussion (Gongs), Klaviertupfern, zuweilen elektronischen Klängen und scharfen, dünnen Streichern umstreifen sich, in loopartige, halbimprovisierte Strukturen hinein. Immer wieder ist die Stimme von Cornelius Cardew zu hören, Bandaufnahmen, die dessen Sohn für einen Cardew-Festival-Beitrag zur Verfügung gestellt hat, auf dem diese CD beruht; Vorträge (daher der Titel) und Probenschnipsel, in …

“Lectures” reviewed by Monsieur Delire

A strange record, very delicate. At first, it sounds like a lecture with instrumentalists illustrating what the lecturer says – all acoustic. Yes, but, isn’t Polish soundsman Piotr Kurek an electronician? And isn’t Portuguese label Crónica specialized in sound art? Exactly. And Lectures is actually a work made with sounds lifted from recordings by Cornelius …

“Lectures” reviewed by The Wire

After an opening passage of music, the unmistakable voice of Cornelius Cardew is heard, refined and almost prissy in lecture mode: “I don’t know how many of you are musically educated…” before going on to explain how indeterminacy might be applied in a performance situation, material specified or elided, rules to be followed, broken or …

“Lectures” reviewed by Vital Weekly

The other new CD is an odd-ball, certainly for a label like Cronica Electronica, who deal with laptop music and electronics. I have no clue as to what Piotr Kurek does to generate his music. Sometimes it seems like improvisations on acoustic percussion (such as in ‘Part 1’) but then something like ‘Tripartite’ could very …