“Happiness Will Befall” reviewed by Time Out New York

“Music is a memory bank for finding one’s way about the world”, says Arkady Volchok in Chatwin’s The Songlines. It could be a fitting description for much recent field recording based electronic music y the likes of Michael Rüsenberg, Loren Chase, Eric La Casa and Aki Onda, whose photography graces the cover of Australian sound …

“Happiness Will Befall” reviewed by Music Club

È frutto del viaggio, il nuovo disco di Lawrence English. Un viaggio che lo ha condotto dalle parti dell’Oceano Pacifico e per la precisione nella sua terra natia (l’Australia), in Nuova Zelanda, nel sud dell’India e a Singapore. Un viaggio in cui ha collezionato suoni, pur se poi il contenuto di “Happiness Will Befall” non …

“Happiness Will Befall” reviewed by Terz

Hier hingegen ein Beispiel für einen narrativen atmosphärischen Soundscape, der sich aus seiner minimalen Dichte heraus entwickelt und dadurch potenziert. English, Schriftsteller, Musiker und Medienkünstler aus Brisbane, verdichtet hier die Echos einer zweimonatigen Reise durch Neuseeland, Australien, Singapur und Südindien mittels Gitarre und Computer. Der Scape ist sehr konzentriert und packend und lässt bei konzentriertem …

“Happiness Will Befall” reviewed by Bodyspace

À boa e despreocupada maneira americana, o formato Disney ditou que as figuras desenhadas fossem automaticamente associadas a uma alegria sem fim e a circunstâncias cómicas. É contudo sabido que o tradicional filme Disney embriaga as criancinhas com momentos lúdicos e êxtase musical para, num momento de maior susceptibilidade, largar nas mãos do desprevenido questões …

“Happiness Will Befall” reviewed by Rockerilla

Artista a tutto tondo ed intellettuale dotato di una particolare sensibilità letteraria e musicale, Lawrence English prova a cimentarsi con la musica concettuale in un album dai movimenti minimali e le atmosfere quasi sofferte. Sei tracce di oscura bellezza, dove le metamorfosi lente e progressive trasportano l’ascoltatore in un regno fatto di drones, field recording …

“Happiness Will Befall” reviewed by Kwadratuur

Lawrence English is een in Brisbane (Australië) residerende schrijver, kunstenaar en multimedia-artiest die zich op muzikaal vlak hoofdzakelijk bezig houdt met conceptuele elektro-akoestische composities en productiewerk voor avant-garde muzikanten als Tujiko Noriko, The Rational Academy en het Elision Ensemble. Voor zijn meest recente solowerk ‘Happiness Will Befall’ trok English in 2004 gedurende twee maanden rond …

“Happiness Will Befall” reviewed by Aaren / Eesti Ekspress

Drone, ambient, saladuslik mulin jm. Hõre, akromaatiline ambient. Midagi ei toimu. Vähehaaval võtab kompositsioon end kokku ja suundub kuhugi, lugu (“Adrift”) tiheneb ja lõpeb sama kohatult, nagu oli alanudki. Edasi näitab English meile oma salapärasemat palet – tihedaid meloodilisi tolmuseid ülestikku laotud drone-puuriitasid (“Two Weeks…”). Siis ta jälle eksleb häirivalt kõrgeisse registreisse, kuigi stiil jääb …

“Happiness Will Befall” reviewed by Liability

Avoir entre les mains le disque d’un type qui aura fréquenté des gens comme David Toop, Oren Ambarchi, Scanner, Philip Samartzis ou encore Janek Schaefer pourrait être, à priori, considéré comme un immense honneur. Au pire on saura à peu près à quoi s’attendre. De plus, sachant que le disque sort chez Cronica le doute …

“Happiness Will Befall” reviewed by Modisti

Basic colours for large format canvases filtering the light of an slow experimental abstract contemplation. The natural flow, progressively overtaking one another is viewed in its swaying, pivotal movements, with electronic sound masses coming in and out of phase as the electronic veils alternate the nature of their opacity.

“Happiness Will Befall” reviewed by The Wire

A picture may be worth a thousand words, but in the right hands, ambient music can reach an even higher plane of communication. The latest recording from Australian electronic composer Lawrence English provides proof: Though he recorded most of it during a summer spent trekking between New Zealand, Singapore, South India and his home in …