Tarab + Artificial Memory Trace’s “Obex” reviewed by Oro Molido

Objeto, actividad, cambio, transformación; estos son los cuatro parámetros por donde deambulan las composiciones de AMT (Slavek Kwi) y Tarab. Utilizando fuentes sonoras de distinta naturaleza grabadas in situ, ambos artistas reciclan sonidos transformados de insectos, o el movimiento de las plantas, objetos, materiales…. A través de la escucha se describe lo que es un …

Tarab + Artificial Memory Trace’s “Obex” reviewed by Chain DLK

Sonic experimenters Slavek Kwi (Artificial Memory Trance) and Tarab have engaged in a kind of cultural exchange whereby they provided objects and activity sounds to one another, irregularly transforming them into amended sonic products that would then be recycled into other noises. The result is a hard-edged, heavily-processed hour long collection of processed noises, often …

Tarab + Artificial Memory Trace’s “Obex” reviewed by Aural Aggravation

There’s something seriously awry with my promo download of the album. The tracks won’t play any audio, and instead flit by as if scrolling, searching through a menu on fast-forward. It’s a disorientating experience, and frustrating. But my curiosity I piqued, and so I feel compelled to piece together a review from the sources I …

Tarab + Artificial Memory Trace’s “Obex” reviewed by Vital

The other new Cronica Electronica release is a collaboration between Tarab from Australia and Artificial Memory Trace from Ireland. From both of them we reviewed quite some work, even when Tarab is not as active as Artificial Memory Trace. Both of them use a lot of field recordings. The latter reworks these extensively on his …