Matilde Meireles’s “Life of a Potato” reviewed by The Sound Projector

Quite nice field recording cassette by Matilde Meireles…on Life of a Potato (CRONICA 180-2022), she proposes that we have taken the humble potato for granted for far too long and resolves to show us more of its life, as rendered in sound. Her recordings depict the potato growing the ground, and also being roasted and eaten; she managed to …

Matilde Meireles’s “Life of a Potato” reviewed by Kathodik

La sound artist Matilda Meireles, raccoglie i suoni provenienti da un orto nel sud-ovest dell’Inghilterra (Pewsey), focalizzando la propria attenzione sulla patata.Eccoci dunque a seguire le fasi dello sviluppo/raccolta e utilizzo (dal taglio allo sfriggimento) del tubero portato in Europa dagli spagnoli nel 1600, e poi, divenuto ingrediente base nella dieta di molti paesi del vecchio …

Matilde Meireles’s “Life of a Potato” reviewed by Felthat

Matilde Meireles is a recordist, sound artist, and researcher who makes use of field recordings to compose site-oriented projects. Her projects often have a multi-sensorial approach to ‘site’ which draws from her studies and experience in areas such as field-recording, site-specific visual arts and design. Her latest album is an in-depth study of potato in …

Matilde Meireles’s “Life of a Potato” reviewed by Bad Alchemy

Mit Life of a Potato (Crónica 180~2022, gelbe C-30) macht Dr. MATILDE MEIRELES das Leben und Wesen einer ordinären Grumm’bere, wie wir in Unterfranken sagen, hörbar. Als Postdoctoral Researcher Fellow an der University of Oxford im Projekt ‘Sonorous Cities: Towards a Sonic Urbanism’ (SONCITIES) sind Scholle und Knolle eigentlich nicht ihr Thema. Allerdings hat es sie gelegentlich schon …

Matilde Meireles’s “Life of a Potato” reviewed by Field Notes

From a Central European perspective, the potato is actually an exotic plant: originally it was only found in South America. In »Life of a Potato«, sound artist Matilde Meireles considers the migratory movements of food as well as its cultural coding. Field recordings from a garden in the south-west of England serve as the source …

Matilde Meireles’s “Life of a Potato” reviewed by Beach Sloth

Matilde Meireles celebrates the surprisingly long journey of one of the world’s most beloved vegetables with “Life of a Potato”. For a field recording it is a rather stellar mixture of low-end and high-end sounds. Rather tactile every single element of the journey is magnified. No melody, no rhythm, this is a narrative that comes …

Matilde Meireles’s “Life of a Potato” reviewed by African Paper

Die portugiesische Soundkünstlerin und Field Recording-Spezialistin Matilde Meireles bringt Ende des Monats ein Tape heraus, das ganz dem Lebenszyklus der Kartoffel gewidmet ist. Einige der verwendeten Sounds dokumentieren das Heranwachsen der Knollen im Boden eines englischen Gartens, präsentieren die Vibration des Bodens, den Klang der Pflanzen bei Berührung, zahlreiche Umgebungsgeräusche bei Tag und Nacht und …