“Lisboa Soa, Sounds Within Sounds” reviewed by Music Map

Lisboa Soa è un festival di sound art, cultura dell’ascolto ed ecologia. L’obiettivo dichiarato di questa rassegna è la valorizzazione della musica contemporanea che abbia anche un significato sociale ed ecologico, in modo da produrre una maggiore coscienza ambientale e dell’impatto determinato dalla nostra presenza. Nel 2021, dopo cinque edizioni, Lisboa Soa ha deciso di …

New release: Lisboa Soa, Sounds Within Sounds

Defining itself as a festival of sound art, ecology and auditory culture, Lisboa Soa seeks to value contemporary artistic creation, but assigning it a social and ecological context, of direct intervention in space, encouraging the participation of different audiences through installations and sound performances, auditory education workshops, debates, lectures and tours focused on the sense of hearing. …

“Lisboa Soa: Sounds within Sounds” reviewed by African Paper

Crónica bringen Ende des Monats eine CD mit vier Tracks heraus, die das portugiesische Festival Lisboa Soa in den Jahren von 2016 – 2020 dokumentieren. Vertreten sind Ana Guedes, João Castro Pinto, Mestre André und Sara Pinheiro – vier Vertreterinnen und Vertreter der einheimischen Experimentalszene, die als Komponisten, Soundesigner- und Performer in verschiedenen Kontexten aktiv sind und …

“Lisboa Soa: Sounds within Sounds” reviewed by Vital Weekly

A festival of sound art, ecology and auditory culture. That’s how Lisboa Soa is described, and they have been going since 2016. To commemorate the first lustrum, they opened their archives to four Portuguese musicians and had them create new works from works collected. The festival is about “acoustic ecology, the discipline that inspired the …