“Ma·Org Pa·Git” reviewed by Revue & Corrigée

Deux pièces, enregistrées à Rotterdam dans l’église des marins norvégiens en 2012, utilisant orgue, guitare em ampli vox. La première, “Ma.Org”, comme son nom l’indique, est une pièce d’orgue, entrons segments. Tout d’abord un continuum, en un long déroulement, jusque’à la moitié. Puis dans la seconde section, des sons de soufflerie, comme des flûtes basses, …

Alexander Rishaug: fall concerts

Alexander Rishaug has just announced three upcoming performances: 17 September: A.Rishaug presents Ma.org Pa.git feat. Sigbjørn Apeland/Ivar Bjørnson, Incubate Festival, Tilburg, Netherlands. 22 October: A.Rishaug, Gail Priest (AUS) Er’e eksperimentelt a, Kulturhuset, Oslo, Norway. 01 November: A.Rishaug presents Ma.org Pa.git feat. Sigbjørn Apeland/Ivar Bjørnson, Ekko Festival, Bergen.

“Ma·Org Pa·Git” reviewed by Neural

There aren’t many cases in which a musical instrument is imbued with the characteristics of architecture and environment in addition to sound production. The organ is essentially a tool of location and has a special connection to liturgical music. It was described as the king of musical instruments by Pope Benedict XVI at the unveiling …

Alexander Rishaug reviewed by Freq

Ma.Org Pa.Git is the fifth solo release from the Norwegian sound artist and experimental musician Alexander Rishaug. Here he is exploring the space and the acoustics of a church organ and the hiss, overtones and feedback of an old tube amp and electric guitar. The album consist of two long pieces, recorded in the Norwegian …

Alexander Rishaug reviewed by Bad Alchemy

ALEXANDER RISHAUG ist mir bei Possible Landscape (Asphodel, 2004) als Freilichtmaler von Panoramen und imaginären Landschaften begegnet, den ebenso die minimalistischen Möglichkeiten draußen wie das spezifische Tönen von Innenräumen faszinieren. in MA.ORG.PA.GIT (Crónica 091~2015, LP) steht das ORG der A-Seite für die Orgel in der Norwegischen Seemannskirche in Rotterdam und das GIT der B-Seite für …

“Ma·Org Pa·Git” reviewed by Blow Up

Allo stesso modo, anche “Ma.Org Pa.Git” di Alexander Rishaug si relaziona al concetto di ambient music in modo anomalo e trasversale, tarsformando il suono dell’organo a canne di una chiesa di Rotterdam in un cupo drone sul quale si sovrappongono le registrazioni delle meccaniche dello strumento e i riverberi prodotti dall’ampiezza dello spazio. Qui tutto …

Alexander Rishaug reviewed by RNE 3 Atmosfera

El Segundo trabajo que escuchamos esta noche es uno de esos contenidos impactantes y densos del que os hemos preparado un montaje para que podáis apreciar en unos pocos minutos todo el desarrollo y la envergadura del proyecto de Alexander Rishaug. El músico experimental y artista sonoro noruego Alexander Rishaug acaba de entregar su quinto …