“Five Years on Cold Asphalt” reviewed by Freistil

Die Idee zu diesem Quarz-Projekt stammt von Alexandr Vatagin, von dem in dieser Gazette schon mehrfach zu lesen war (siehe u.a. das valeot-Labelporträt), und seinem Tupolev-Bandkollegen Lukas Scholler. Zweiterer hat sich inzwischen daraus zurückgezogen, Vatagin hält Quarz seither allein am Leben. Für diese bewusst offen konstruierte Combo lädt er gerne Gäste ein, vorwiegend aus der …

Futurónica 070

Episode 70 of Futurónica, a broadcast in Rádio Manobras (91.5 MHz in Porto, 18h30) and Rádio Zero (21h GMT, repeating on Tuesday at 01h) airs tomorrow, September 7th. The playlist of Futurónica 70 is: Quarz, Five Years on Cold Asphalt (2012, Five Years on Cold Asphalt, Crónica) Janek Schaefer, The Ghost Road (2010, “Asleep at …

“Five Years on Cold Asphalt” reviewed by Boomkat

‘Five Years on Cold Asphalt’ is a debut album by Alexandr Vatagin’s Quarz. Like his solo work on self-run labels Valeot Records and Liska Records, and in parallel to his membership of the Tupolev & Port Royal ensembles, the Viennese native uses electronic-affected cello and bass to create creaking electro-acoustic soundscapes rooted with a kinship …

New release: “Five Years on Cold Asphalt”, by Quarz

Quarz is a project created, ran and managed by Alexandr Vatagin, an Austrian musician also involved with the projects Tupolev and Port-Royal. Vatagin invited several musicians, and Quarz was chronologically joined by Nicolas Bernier, Stefan Németh (Radian, Lokai), Alexander Schubert (Sinebag) and Martin Siewert (Trapist, Heaven And). On “Five Years on Cold Asphalt” the collaborations …