VITOR JOAQUIM Geography (Crónica 117~2016): Waren “Flow” (2006) und “Filament” (2011) vom Blick auf die eigene Gefühlswelt bestimmt und einer egozentrischen Verfasstheit von Raum und Zeit und damit von der quasi vertikalen Verortung im Großen und Ganzen, ist Joaquims Perspektive nun horizontaler. Sein Bemühen, die Lage zu erkennen – Brenns großes Motto – ist spezifisch …
Tag Archives: Vitor Joaquim
Vitor Joaquim interviewed by Amusio
Amusio has just published a lengthy interview with Vitor Joaquim on his work, particularly the latest “Geographyâ€, recently released by Crónica. Read it (in German) at
“Geography†reviewed by Rockerilla
Continua la sequenza di interessanti pubblicazioni della lusitana Cronica che per l’occasione propone il nuovo lavoro di Vitor Joaquim, ispiratissimo artista portoghese che compone anche per documentari, video installazioni e altro ancora. Quando poi dal vivo non è supportato da immagini, Joaquim ama esibirsi completamente al buio proprio perché vuole stimolare la fantasia e i …
“Geography†reviewed by Silence and Sound
Chez Joaquim Vitor, infiniment grand et infiniment petit forment un tout qui aime se conjuguer au pluriel, faisant valser les concepts d’intériorité et de spatialisation, de collage et de de mémoire, pour un assemblage qui voit sa propre histoire fusionner avec celle plus vaste de l’humanité. Les interférences semant le désordre sont agencées de telle …
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Vitor Joaquim live in Coimbra
Next Wednesday, September 28, Vitor Joaquim will perform his new album “Geography” in Coimbra, at TAGV. More information and tickets at
“Geography†reviewed by Amusio
Preziosen wie Laurie Anderson, Simon Fischer Turner oder Harald “Sack†Ziegler schmücken Geography (Crónica), das neue Album des portugiesischen Klangeroberers Vitor Joaquim. Und das alles „nur“, um in Folge der Ãœberlegungen des Biogeographen Jared Diamond seinem Wunsch zu entsprechen, sich den Vollzugsweisen der Verortung nähern zu können. Wie zuvor den emotionalen Haushalten (Flow) oder der …
Futurónica 175
Episode 175 of Futurónica, a broadcast in Rádio Manobras (91.5 MHz in Porto, 18h30) and Rádio Zero (21h GMT, repeating on Tuesday at 01h) airs tomorrow, September 16th. The playlist of Futurónica 175 is: Vitor Joaquim, Geography (2016, Geography, Crónica) Vitor Joaquim, Cantino (2016, Geography, Crónica) Vitor Joaquim, Ganda (2016, Geography, Crónica) Vitor Joaquim, Technography …
New release: Vitor Joaquim’s “Geographyâ€
Crónica is elated to present Vitor Joaquim’s new album, “Geography“! History followed different courses for different peoples because of differences among peoples’ environments, not because of biological differences among peoples themselves. Jared Diamond On my previous albums I have turned my attention to the interior subjectivity of our feelings (Flow, 2006) and to the never …
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Soon in Crónica: Vitor Joaquim’s “Geography”
Geography by Vitor Joaquim
“Geography†reviewed by
The Portuguese imprint Crónica has become kind of a staple when it comes to releases being reviewed on these pages on a regular and that’s why we are looking forward to embrace Vitor Joaquim’s upcoming album “Geography” that’s scheduled for release on September 13th, 2k16. Vaguely dealing with the concept of how the planets geography …
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