“Happiness Will Befall” reviewed by Vital

The name Lawrence English is a new one for me, despite his concerts with David Toop, Ami Yoshida, Oren Ambarchi, Marina Rosenfeld, and many more. English also produced albums for Tujiko Noriko and The Rational Academy. On ‘Happiness Will Befall’, English plays guitar, computer and some additional instrumentation (electronics, cassettes and turntables). There are some …

“Happiness Will Befall” reviewed by epok

Ceux qui sont restés nostalgiques des années ambient de Brian Eno et de sa discreet music devraient sans nul doute jeter une oreille plus qu’attentive à ce très bel album du musicien et artiste sonore, Lawrence English. À l’aide de guitares retraitées, de nappes et d’effets électroniques, de sonorités issues de l’environnement naturel et urbain, …

“Happiness Will Befall” reviewed by Noripcord

The sound of Lawrence English’s most recent solo recording is a polar journey between the harsh yet compelling sounds of dedicatedly minimalist computer music and the subtle organicism of post-classical instrumentalists. Another way of expressing this bicephalous creation is to say that his music sounds a lot like ambient works by Aphex Twin, Boards of …

“Happiness Will Befall” reviewed by Bad Alchemy

Electroakustischer Travelogue eines in Brisbane beheimateten Musikers und Medienkünstlers mit Stationen in Brisbane, Auckland, Adelaide, Bangalore, Budi Koti und Singapore. Was für Cook und Tasman einst Fahrten ins Ungewisse und in den Tod waren, ist für Leute von Heute nichts als touristisches Streunen, das an Städten und Landschaften schnuppert wie an den Blumentöpfen im Hinterhof. …

“Happiness Will Befall” reviewed by Infratunes

Prêt à réévaluer l’espace qui le sépare de l’enregistrement à ravir afin de définitivement se mettre en marche, Lawrence English a récemment rempli quelques cassettes d’atmosphères glanées dans des coins de son Australie, mais aussi en Nouvelle-Zélande, en Inde et à Singapour. Restait ensuite, pour en faire Happiness Will Befall, de traiter le tout au …

“Happiness Will Befall” reviewed by Blow Up

Agitatore culturale tra i più attivi del nuovissimo continente (sua la cura dei festival What Is Music? e Liquid Architecture, nonché la gestione dell’etichetta Room40), l’australiano Lawrence English è anche compositore di talento. Il suo nuovo album per la portoghese Crónica lo vede trafficare con chitarra e computer, più vari aggeggi di contorno, nell’allestimento di …

“Happiness Will Befall” reviewed by Gonzo

Room 40 is het geesteskind van Lawrence English. Het Australische avant-garde label bracht plaatwerk uit van DJ Olive, Zane Throw en recent nog van het Japanese elfje Tujiko Noriko. Voorlopig hoogtepunt van hel label is de verzamelaar “Melatonin”. Een metalen box, installatie en een tentoonstelling die inzoomde op splaappatronen en bijdrages bevatte van onder andere …

“Happiness Will Befall” reviewed by Gaz-Eta

Lawrence English’s “Ghost Towns” [Room 40] was a personal revelation to me. This Australian sound artist basically visited a number of ghost towns in the back lands of his native land to uncover sounds that are barely audible to the human ear. This time around, his newest release “Happiness Will Befall” is more concerned with …

“Happiness Will Befall” reviewed by Chain DLK

I regret I don’t know English’s back catalogue, which ranges from concrete music to electronica to guitar-based compositions, as this album on Crónica is a real treat. Recorded in his native Australia, New Zealand, Singapore and South India, and lavishly accompanied by Aki Onda’s photographs, “Happiness Will Befall” is a collection of intimistic minimal music …

“Happiness Will Befall” reviewed by Revue & Corrigée

Lawrence English, artiste multifacette australien (écrivainm artiste multimédia, compositeur, plasticien) nous entraîne dans un circuit dont la carte est mentale: une flânerie qui se déroule em Océanie, depuis Brisbane, Auckland, Adelaide, Bangalore, Budi Koti jusqu’à Singapour. auréolé de la présence d’Aki Onda et de James English, cet album évoque la mythologie des lieux, un hommage …