“Never So Alone” reviewed by Hawai

“Simon Whetham ha estado capturando y componiendo casi principalmente con field recordings desde que tomó parte en un viaje de investigación a Islandia en 2005”. Desde entonces no ha hecho más que explorar las distintas posibilidades de las grabaciones recogidas en la naturaleza, recopilando incesantemente sonidos vivos y trasladándolos a innumerables registros a lo largo …

“Never So Alone” reviewed by Whisperin & Hollerin

There’s an interesting back-story to this release. The eruption of the Eyjafjallajökull volcano in Iceland, which resulted in the grounding of many European flights for a week in April 2010 saw Simon Whetham grounded in Lisbon. Effectively marooned, Whetham took his sound gear round the city and captured a vast array of material from field …

“Never So Alone” reviewed by John Dombroski

(A personal review from John Dombroskij to Simon Whetham, published with John’s kind permission) I listened to your album – Never So Alone – a lot. And it is, of course, brilliant. I feel the energy you put into it – And I’m beginning to empathize with what might have been behind your title choices …

“Never So Alone” reviewed by Chain D.L.K.

I’m pretty sure that the great majority of people, who experienced jams when the soot from the notorious elfin barbecue inside Icelandic volcano with unpronounceable name Eyjafjallajökull in February and March 2010, countered with a fine selection of cuss words and complaints against powerless air company’s ground crews and imaginary underground deities or devils, who …

“Never So Alone” reviewed by Rif Raf

Toujours du côté de Porto et de Lisbonne, SIMON WHETHAM a un jour profité des effets secondaires (un vol annulé) du volcan islandais en éruption pour se balader dans la capitale portugaise et ses alentours – ça se nomme ‘Never So Alone’. De retour à la maison, il a intégré ses field recordings dans un …

“Never So Alone” reviewed by Kindamuzik

Daar zit je dan, gestrand in Lissabon omdat met dank aan de uitbarsting van vulkaan Eyjafjallajökull geen vliegverkeer mogelijk is. Wat dan? Componist Simon Whethem ging niet bij de pakken neerzitten en pakte zijn (richt)microfoons op. Hij maakte wandelingen door de stad en nam de urbane geluiden op, plus die van het omliggende platteland. Het …

“Never So Alone” reviewed by Sonic Seducer

Als im März 2010 der isländische Vulkan Eyjafjallajökull ausbrach und damit den flugverkehr über Europa für einige Tage zum Erliegen brachte, gehörte Simon Whetham zu den Gestrandeten. Er nutzte die unfreiwillige Freizeit und streifte mit diverser Aufnahmetechnik durch Lissabon, um die Stadt und ihr Umland akustisch einzufangen. Dabei kamen nicht nur Mikrophone zum Einsatz, sondern …

“Never So Alone” reviewed by RNE 3 Atmosfera

Durante una prolongada estancia en Lisboa, provocada por la erupción del volcán islandés que provocó un cierre del espacio aéreo europeo, Simon Whetham decidió explorar las sonoridades de la ciudad y el campo utilizando los micrófonos que usa habitualmente en sus trabajos. Además de un micrófono de cañón Sennheiser y dos micrófonos lavalier Tram, que …

“Never So Alone” reviewed by Loop

During a long stay in Lisbon, Portugal, Bristol sound artist Simon Whetham and now based in Colombia records the city ambiance and its outskirts. He captures the geography and architecture of the city of Lisbon, its people, weather and his emotional state. For this Whetham used different types of microphones like Sennheiser shotgun microphone and …

“Never So Alone” reviewed by Vital Weekly

In 2010 the volcano Eyjafjallajokull erupted and made air traffic impossible for some time in Europe. Simon Whetham was in Portugal and has to extend his stay. He decided to capture the sounds of the city, using a Sennheiser shotgun microphone, two Tram lavalier mics, contact microphones and hydrophones, and later on composed pieces of …