“Never So Alone” reviewed by De:Bug

Einen durch den Ausbruch eines isländischen Vulkans und die damit verbundene Stilllegung europäischer Flughäfen bedingten Zwangsaufenthalt in Lissabon nutzte der Klangkünstler Simon Whetham für ausgiebige Feldaufnahmen. Urbanes iberisches Treiben hat er dabei außer Acht gelassen, sein Interesse galt eher normalerweise unhörbaren Vibrationen und Unterwasserklängen, die er mit Kontaktmikrofon, Hydrophon und Tonabnehmer aufzeichnete. Dadurch ergeben sich …

“Never So Alone” reviewed by Monsieur Délire

Album de musique électroacoustique très délicate, sur fond d’enregistrements de terrain souvent ténus. Certaines ambiances sont bien réussies, et la recherche sonore de Whetham pousse l’oreille à chercher de nouveaux types de liens entre les sons, mais à 77 minutes, Never So Alone pèche par excès. François Couture via Monsieur Délire

“Never So Alone” reviewed by Rockerilla

Nel 2011 Simon Whetham ha dovuto prolungare il suo soggiorno a Lisbona a causa dell’eruzione dell’Eyjafjallajökull. Ha così sfruttato il tempo a disposizione per esplorare la città e i dintorni dalla sua prospettiva di ricercatore di suoni, catturati attraverso microfoni e idrofoni e, dopo lunga decantazione, rimaneggiati come base per il nuovo lavoro del compositore …

New release: “Never So Alone” by Simon Whetham

During an extended stay in Lisbon, courtesy of the Eyjafjallajökull volcano in Iceland erupting and causing european airspace to be closed, Simon Whetham explored the sonorities of city, and the surrounding countryside, using the various microphones he employs in his work. In addition to a Sennheiser shotgun microphone and two Tram lavalier mics, which capture …

Futurónica 78

Episode 78 of Futurónica, a broadcast in Rádio Manobras (91.5 MHz in Porto, 18h30) and Rádio Zero (21h GMT, repeating on Tuesday at 01h) airs tomorrow, December 28th. The playlist of Futurónica 78 is: Simon Whetham, Inertia, Rising (2013, Never So Alone, Crónica) Simon Whetham, (Interlude, Lifesigns/Ashcloud) (2013, Never So Alone, Crónica) Simon Whetham, A …

“Crossovers” reviewed by De:Bug

Simon Whetham verbrachte 2009 einige Zeit als “artist in residence” in Estland, arbeitete dort an Tracks und improvisierte mit Klangkünstlern und Musikern. Anlässlich der Austellung dieser Ergebnisse in Großbritannien organisierte er dazu Duo-Performances mit Künstlern wie Philip Jeck, Scanner, Skjolbrodt, Ekoplekz, John Grzinich, Iris Garrelfs und Rhodri Davies. Einige zusammenarbeiten versammelt jetzt diese spannende Compilation, …

“Loud Listening” reviewed by Ambientblog

A lot ambient-electronic have a distinct industrial feel: the hum of giant machines and installations, soothing at some times, ominous – or even threatening – at other. Quiet and reassuring when distant, but loud and aggressive when close. Though this may not be exactly what you expect of “ambient music”, it definitely is part of …

Futurónica 62

Episode 62 of Futurónica, a broadcast in Rádio Manobras (91.5 MHz in Porto, 18h30) and Rádio Zero (21h GMT, repeating on Tuesday at 01h) airs tomorrow, May 18th. The playlist of Futurónica 62 is: Pure, Piercing Clouds With Laserguns (2012, Loud Listening, Crónica) @c, Novantuno (per Enrico) (2012, Loud Listening, Crónica) Gintas K, Before One …

New release: “Loud Listening”

Four Italian soundscape artists worked in four ailing Italian industrial sites. Their work aimed to capture the strength of industrial noises, providing a “loud experience” of mechanical hums, natural drones, metal squeaks, waves of steam and the sounds of raw materials, simultaneously proposing to reflect over the meaning and the high social value of industries …