Sun Dog’s “Col des Temp​è​tes” reviewed by African Paper

Der Musiker und Künstler ErikM und die renommierte Vokalistin Isabelle Duthoit bringen unter dem Namen Sun Dog ein gemeinsames, auf experimenteller Stimmperformance und einer vielfältige, nicht minder experimentierfreudigen Elektronik basierendes Album heraus. “Col des Tempètes” entstand nach ausgedehnten Wanderungen der beiden in eher unwegsamen Gegenden in Island und Frankreich und unter dem Eindruck lokaler Naturphänonene …

Bruno Duplant’s “Sombres Miroirs” reviewed by Audion

Although the promo blurb tells me “Bruno Duplant is a prolific composer and a musician living in the north of France. He has collaborated with many musicians around the globe and has also made solo works” he’s one of many younger musician/composers in the contemporary field that I’d never heard of before (at least to …

Haarvöl + Xoán-Xil López’s track “The Previous Extant of the Hereafter” reviewed by Ambient Blog

A bold statement in the liner notes: ‘There is no progress in art’. (I personally would have added an exclamation mark). This is followed by some philosophical musings about the relationship of art with time, and ‘with its time.’ And about the fact that the ‘sounds we hear on this album are grouped in a harmonious relationship’, are ‘a deliberate escape from …

Budhaditya Chattopadhyay’s “Withering Field” reviewed by A Closer Listen

How do we manage  the process of loss and alienation when looking from the perspective of the soon to be lost? What kind of empathy should we develop as listeners towards an effaced, or soon to be effaced, habitat? What is an ecological crisis in an era where an accelerated need to improve, industrialise and …

Sun Dog’s “Col des Temp​è​tes” reviewed by Vital Weekly

Behind Sun Dog, we find the duo of Isabelle Duthoit (vocals) and ErikM (electronics). Of the latter, I heard before. He’s been around since the early 90s when he came on the improvised music scene armed with electronics, such as CDs, miniDisc and other electronics. He played with Luc Ferrari, Christian Marclay, Thurston Moore and …

Máquina Magnética reviewed by Neural

Máquina Magnética are an experimental all-star combo featuring Pedro Tudela, Miguel Carvalhais, Gustavo Costa and Rodrigo Carvalho. Tudela and Carvalhais are known for their project @c and as founders of Crónica, the record label behind this release. Costa is a remarkable drumming and percussion talent, active on the Portuguese underground scene since the early nineties …

Bruno Duplant’s “Sombres Miroirs” reviewed by Music Map

Bruno Duplant è un musicista e compositore francese. Molto attivo nella ricerca sull’avanguardia del Novecento e sulla musica concreta, l’artista è tornato in piena estate con “Sombres Miroirs”, il prosieguo naturale di “Élégie du temps présent”, pubblicato nel 2021, e seconda tappa di un trittico che si completerà con “Insondables humeurs”. L’ultimo lavoro di Duplant …