“Transmissions” reviewed by Musique Machine

“Transmissions” comes in a card wallet, simply and elegantly adorned with a close-up of machinery workings; this is very apt, since thats precisely the content of the disc, too. The cd has four tracks, ranging in duration from near three minutes, to a mammoth near-forty. All the pieces use the sounds of machines: “Part 1” …

“Transmissions” reviewed by Chain DLK

The mechanical syntagms and the cycles where the transformation of potential energy into kinetic ones by old looms that Mathias Delplanque recorded at the museum of textile in Cholet, France, in 2008 for the first half of this release and by many different tools and machines that some students who took part to his workshop …

“Transmissions” reviewed by Déphasage – Objets Sonores Non Identifiés

The show has ended with Mathias Delplanque, a french artist who has release last september on the portuguese label, Cronica, “Transmissions”. This production is made from recordings of various industrial machines. A loom at the Musée du Textile from Cholet in France not far from Angers. And then, machine-tools from the Lycée Technique of the …

“Transmissions” reviewed by Le Son du Grisli

Retour au quotidien, ou presque, de la noise en music en compagnie d’un habitué des lieux, le toujours habile Mathias Delplanque. Alors que ses Chutes de 2013 ne nous avaient que moyennement convaincus, pour ne pas dire autre chose, le cru 2014 du producteur français est d’un tout autre acabit. Tout en jouant avec les …

“Transmissions” reviewed by The Sound Projector

This project took place in Cholet (in the Maine-et-Loire department, France) between 2008 and 2014, associating an artist, Mathias Delplanque, with students in a technical school there. Some of the sounds were recorded in the local textile museum (Cholet has a tradition in this industry, specifically in the making of handkerchiefs). Resonances and rhythmic regularity …

“Transmissions” reviewed by Blow Up

Con una discografia a proprio nome di elevato pregio, preziosi “La Plinthe”, “Parcelles 1-10” e “Passports”, Mathias Delplanque in “Transmissions”, alla maniera che fu di Jean-Marc Vivenza, registra il canto di macchine in azione. Pur lungi dal suggerire visione postmoderna invariabilmente catastrofista, Mathias coglie l’armonia meccanica non come esplicitazione di una inesorabile e infallibile potenza …

“Transmissions” reviewed by Spex

Mathias Delplanque macht etwas, das beschrieben vielleicht abgedroschen klingt – Musik mit alten industriellen Maschinen –, aber wirkt wie der wahnsinnigste psychedelische Strom diesseits des Altersheims für überstrapazierte Deleuze/Guattari-Metaphern. Man vergisst mit Transmissions (Crónica) die Quellen sehr bald, hat auch keinen Unheimliche-Genauigkeit-Flash, sondern kann sich ganz dem unausgesprochen perversen Gemeinsamen zwischen Maschinenglück und Regelmäßigkeitszwang hingeben. …

“Transmissions” reviewed by The New Noise

Immaginate di essere all’interno di una fabbrica: vi sentirete subito soffocare a causa dell’aria irrespirabile e avrete la sensazione di rimanere storditi dai rumori metallici e di essere inghiottiti dall’oscurità delle pareti impregnate di olio lubrificante. È in questo luogo che l’uomo si aliena da tutto e da tutti, diventando una macchina. Transmissions è proprio …

“Transmissions” reviewed by Skug

Und da wir ohnehin schon auf Ambientabwegen sind, können wir schließlich noch die CD »Transmissions« von Mathias Delpanque dazu packen. Die ist, was die Genreheimat betrifft, hier nun wirklich fehl am Platz, denn der Franzose Delplanque macht in Elektroinstallationen, basierend auf Maschinensounds, also Webstühle, Drehbänke, Schweißgeräte, Kreissägen und was es sonst noch hinter schmutzigen Fabrikfassaden …

“Transmissions” reviewed by Rif Raf

Alors que ses ‘Chutes’ de 2013 ne nous avaient que moyennement convaincus, pour ne pas dire autre chose, le cru 2014 du producteur français est d’un tout autre acabit. Tout en jouant avec les codes et astuces du bruit et du concret, ses ‘Transmissions’ (Crónica) varient à la fois les formes et le fond. D’entrée, …