“Loud Listening” reviewed by Fluid Sonic Fluctuations

It’s an exciting time, we’re only a month into 2019 and I’ve already received quite a lot of great releases that I’ve reviewed recently. Now it’s also time to introduce new series on this blog as well as continue with the first 2019 selection of music on Fluid Sonic Fluctuations (with my updated semi-random selection …

Mathias Delplanque’s “Témoins” reviewed by Loop

Sound artist, music critic, teacher, composer for theater and dance and founding member of several ensembles releases his third album on Portuguese Crónica Electrónica label based in Porto wich is run by sound artists Miguel Carvalhais and Pedro Tudela. ‘Témoins’ contains three pieces that were commissioned works in which Deplanque made recordings in different sites. …

Mathias Delplanque’s “Témoins” reviewed by Silence and Sound

Mathias Delplanque est un sculpteur de sons, agençant les field recordings et les notes sporadiques sur son nouvel album Témoins. Il est l’assembleur de vérités unies par le collage de contrastes mouvementés et de quiétude nocturne, desquels s’échappent les bruits de faunes enfouies derrière les grandes herbes de la poésie. Témoins possède une narration radiophonique …

Mathias Delplanque’s “Témoins” reviewed by Chain DLK

“Témoins” comprises three pieces of sound art composed and compiled between 2011 and 2014- or just the first two pieces if you opt for the cassette rather than the download. Conceptually they are post-production-light layerings of organic recordings from three different locations that were given to Delplanque as though they were instructions, on top of …

New release: Mathias Delplanque’s “Témoins”

Témoins is Mathias Delplanque’s third release in Crónica, after the acclaimed Passeports (Crónica 048~2010) and Transmissions (Crónica 088~2014). A series of commissioned works, each connected to a location given to me. The sites were used as recording studios for creating multilayered compositions with minimal to none post-production. All instruments were played on site. Roz was …

Mathias Delplanque’s “Témoins” reviewed by Rockerilla

Quale autentico scultore della materia sonora, Mathias Delplanque è stato più volte incaricato di veri e propri lavori “su commissione”, da parte di istituzioni artistico-culturali. Témoins raccoglie due di questi lavori realizzati tra il 2011 e il 2014, ciascuno intorno ai venti minuti di durata, nei quali l’artista francese lascia letteralmente parlare gli ambienti di …

Mathias Delplanque’s “Témoins” reviewed by Aural Aggravation

Mark E Smith has died. It shouldn’t come as a surprise. In fact, the surprise should be that he didn’t die sooner. But I can’t help but be shaken by the news. It doesn’t feel appropriate to post any music reviews: my social media streams are aclog with tributes to Smith, and it feels wrong …

Mathias Delpanque’s “Témoins” reviewed by Vital

Following a number of releases some time ago by Mathias Delplanque it became quiet or perhaps not all of his releases reached me. Here we have a new work from him, his third on Cronica Electronica. Delplanque, born in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso in 1973, works very much with digital means, either under his own or …