“Loud Listening” reviewed by Fluid Sonic Fluctuations

It’s an exciting time, we’re only a month into 2019 and I’ve already received quite a lot of great releases that I’ve reviewed recently. Now it’s also time to introduce new series on this blog as well as continue with the first 2019 selection of music on Fluid Sonic Fluctuations (with my updated semi-random selection …

Futurónica 152

Episode 152 of Futurónica, a broadcast in Rádio Manobras (91.5 MHz in Porto, 18h30) and Rádio Zero (21h GMT, repeating on Tuesday at 01h) airs tomorrow, October 30th. The playlist of Futurónica 151 is: @c, Centodieci (2015, Loud Listening Murano, Crónica) Enrico Ascoli, 1723°C (2015, Loud Listening Murano, Crónica) Ephraim Wegner, 8a1b11c4d11e2f2g4i2l3m11n13o5r7s10t1u2z (2015, Loud Listening …

New release: “Loud Listening Murano”

Loud Listening is a format created by Alessio Ballerini, Enrico Coniglio and Attilio Novellino, members of the Archivio Italiano Paesaggi Sonori, an association founded to promote the culture of soundscapes. Loud Listening is a sonic exploration experiment that intends to investigate the soundscapes of Italian industrial areas. This starts from a reflection on the current …

“Lanificio Leo” reviewed by Rumore

Vitale e ingegnoso, il disco parla la lingua ritmica delle macchine. Novellino e Rosi ne ascoltano e registrano la voce, dediti a magnificare i suoni prodotti in questo antico stabilimento tessile nei presso di Catanzaro. Trattasi di field recordings: puri e semplici nella prima parte (testimonianza audiofila e timbrica da manuale), re-inventati in chiusura. Magnifico …

“Lanificio Leo” reviewed by Onda Rock

“La macchina, per definizione, ripete la stessa sequenza in ogni momento, in ogni stagione, chiunque la usi. Le mie vecchie macchine, invece, non sono più in grado di fare questo. C’è una sorta di anarchia in loro: sbagliano, spesso. Ma se vai oltre l’idea di errore e la controlli, le macchine ti aiutano e diventano …

“Lanificio Leo” reviewed by Music Won’t Save You

Verso la fine dello scorso anno, Attilio Novellino e Saverio Rosi (Sentimental Machines) hanno pubblicato il frutto di una serie di improvvisazioni condotte insieme a Rob Mazurek e Tim Barnes. Le due lunghe tracce delle quali si componeva quel lavoro, “Objects In Mirror Are Closer Than They Appear”, avevano avuto come teatro un luogo di …

“Lanificio Leo” reviewed by Merchants of Air

Machines are fascinating musicians. Tirelessly they can produce the same rhythm for years on end. Sometimes I wonder about the first machines and the noises they made. Didn’t people recognize the repetitive cadance? Did they dance to it? Did industrial music originate from, well, the industry? Over the years field recording and experimental artists have …

New Release: Attilio Novellino & Saverio Rosi’s “Lanificio Leo”

This work is the result of field recording sessions made by Attilio Novellino and Saverio Rosi in August of 2013 at the woolen mill “Leo”, the oldest textile factory active in Calabria, founded in 1873 in Soveria Mannelli (Catanzaro). Currently managed by Emilio Leo, this company is one of the most significant cases of company-museum …