“Loud Listening” reviewed by Fluid Sonic Fluctuations

It’s an exciting time, we’re only a month into 2019 and I’ve already received quite a lot of great releases that I’ve reviewed recently. Now it’s also time to introduce new series on this blog as well as continue with the first 2019 selection of music on Fluid Sonic Fluctuations (with my updated semi-random selection …

New release: “Loud Listening Murano”

Loud Listening is a format created by Alessio Ballerini, Enrico Coniglio and Attilio Novellino, members of the Archivio Italiano Paesaggi Sonori, an association founded to promote the culture of soundscapes. Loud Listening is a sonic exploration experiment that intends to investigate the soundscapes of Italian industrial areas. This starts from a reflection on the current …

“Loud Listening” reviewed by Rockerilla

Si chiama AISP (Archivio Italiano Dei Paesaggi Sonori) ed è un iniziativa firmata da Alessio Ballerini e Francesco Giannico per promuovere in Italia l’ascolto dell’ambiente che ci circonda. Comunemente definito ‘soundscape’, questo tipo di approccio sonoro viene utilizzato da parecchi artisti che si occupano di elettronica ma non solo, sfruttando field recordings o noises di …

“Loud Listening” reviewed by Ambientblog

A lot ambient-electronic have a distinct industrial feel: the hum of giant machines and installations, soothing at some times, ominous – or even threatening – at other. Quiet and reassuring when distant, but loud and aggressive when close. Though this may not be exactly what you expect of “ambient music”, it definitely is part of …

New release: “Loud Listening”

Four Italian soundscape artists worked in four ailing Italian industrial sites. Their work aimed to capture the strength of industrial noises, providing a “loud experience” of mechanical hums, natural drones, metal squeaks, waves of steam and the sounds of raw materials, simultaneously proposing to reflect over the meaning and the high social value of industries …