Yiorgis Sakellariou’s “Stikhiya” reviewed by Musique Machine

Greek composer Yiorgis Sakellariou creates deep listening electronic pieces in a dynamic musique concrete style. His first releases came in 2013. As of 2017, he has found a home on the excellent Crónica label, which released many of my favorite artists of recent years including @c. His 6th full length, “Stikhiya” is made up of …

“Stikhiya” reviewed by RNE 3 Atmosfera

Stikhiya es el Nuevo trabajo del compositor de música electroacúsitica Yiorgis Sakellariou, miembro del centro ateniense para la investigación de la música contemporánea y de la música electroacústica helena. Stikhiya es la palabra usada por el poeta ruso Aleksandr Blok del siglo XX para describir el valor fundamental de la inmediatez primitiva. Contrario al intelectualismo …

“Stikhiya” reviewed by Blow Up

Il titolo è uma parola russa che indica un contatto e una immersione immediata, quase magica, con la natura, senza mediazioni intellettualistiche, usata dai poeti nell’800 (Tolstoj e Blok i riferimenti letterari). Ecco allora un’immersione panica che Sakellariou, comositore elettroacustico greco, appronta con una sensibilitè da entusiasta (nel senso mistico greco). Nonostante sia musica urbvana …

“Stikhiya” reviewed by Touching Extremes

Because of their often undefinable nature, most field recording-based albums cannot be committed to memory. Still, the few artists who can really operate a studio to produce materials worthy of being positively absorbed act as invisible aids for the listener to retrieve – you guessed it – memories. At this exact point stands the work …

“Stikhiya” reviewed by Chain DLK

“Stikhiya” is a pair of soundscape compositions comprising layered environmental found sound with additional electronic elements that sound sometimes like arcing electricity, sometimes like industrial gas processing, sometimes like the interference caused by mobile phones on unshielded audio cables. Repetitive mechanical processes occasionally form firm rhythms, ignored by their sonic neighbours. It’s an uncomfortable inserted …

New release: Yiorgis Sakellariou’s “Stikhiya”

“Having realised the errors in rational knowledge I found it easier to free myself from the temptation of futile theorizing” Leo Tolstoy (1880) I understand this phrase as an expression of Stikhiya, the word used by Russian poet Aleksandr Blok in early 20th century to describe the fundamental value of primitive immediacy. Contradictory to intellectualism …

“Stikhiya” reviewed by Vital

Let go theorizing, theories, rational reasoning. Strive for Stikhiya. Or: primitive immediacy. Then and there, organic holistic experiences (may) emerge, dixit Yorgis Sakellariou. It’s where unfathomable and formless forces of perception are at play; awe-inspiring, myth-making. On his cassette Sakellariou manipulates field recordings from various sources; be it natural or technological/industrial, be it in the …