Yiorgis Sakellariou’s “Degti” reviewed by Against the Silence

Ένα έργο αποτελείται από μια ιδέα η οποία ξετυλίγεται στο χρόνο για να μας τυλίξει σε ένα δικό της χώρο εντός της. Στην πειραματική μουσική, όπως και στα εικαστικά, πολλές φορές οι νέες ιδέες που παρουσιάζονται μόνο νέες δεν είναι. Λογικό, θα έλεγε μια κυνική φωνή εφόσον έχουν παιχτεί όλα. Ο κυνισμός είναι, όμως, η …

Yiorgis Sakellariou’s “Degti” reviewed by Music Map

Yorgis Sakellariou ha un curriculum interessante: musicista, artista del suono, accademico. Una figura affascinante. Poi ascolti questo album (uscito per Crónica Records) e ti cadono le braccia. “Ma, Matteo è un album sperimentale!” la mia vocina interna decanta ciò. E la mia risposta, per dirla all’inglese …and these birds! Ho capito che non si ascolta …

New release: Yiorgis Sakellariou’s “Degti”

Degti was premiered on September 12, 2019 at Vilniaus DegtinÄ—, a vodka factory in Vilnius, during the Muzika ErdvÄ—je festival, with an audience consisting solely of Vilniaus DegtinÄ— employees. Degti invites listeners to re-imagine the recordings made at the factory not as a soundtrack of labour, monotony and production but as a ghostly presence, purposely created …

Yiorgis Sakellariou’s “Degti” reviewed by African Paper

Crónica bringen am 22. Juni eine Arbeit des griechischen Komponisten Yiorgis Sakellariou auf Tape heraus. “Degti” ist eine aus zwei elektroakustischen Soundscapes (und einem in der digitalen Versioin nicht enthaltenen Bonustrack) bestehende Arbeit, die vor knapp zwei Jahren in der litauischen Brauerei Vilniaus DegtinÄ— aufgeführt wurde – wie üblich bei Sakellarious Werken im abgedunkelten und …

Yiorgis Sakellariou’s “Degti” reviewed by Vital Weekly

Without giving the information too much attention, I just started playing this new cassette by Yiorgis Sakellariou. I heard quite a bit of his work over the years and the quality is quite high, so there is not much to ‘worry’ there. Also, as I know much of his work is based on site-specific recordings, …

Yiorgis Sakellariou’s “Stikhiya” reviewed by Musique Machine

Greek composer Yiorgis Sakellariou creates deep listening electronic pieces in a dynamic musique concrete style. His first releases came in 2013. As of 2017, he has found a home on the excellent Crónica label, which released many of my favorite artists of recent years including @c. His 6th full length, “Stikhiya” is made up of …

“Stikhiya” reviewed by RNE 3 Atmosfera

Stikhiya es el Nuevo trabajo del compositor de música electroacúsitica Yiorgis Sakellariou, miembro del centro ateniense para la investigación de la música contemporánea y de la música electroacústica helena. Stikhiya es la palabra usada por el poeta ruso Aleksandr Blok del siglo XX para describir el valor fundamental de la inmediatez primitiva. Contrario al intelectualismo …

“Stikhiya” reviewed by Blow Up

Il titolo è uma parola russa che indica un contatto e una immersione immediata, quase magica, con la natura, senza mediazioni intellettualistiche, usata dai poeti nell’800 (Tolstoj e Blok i riferimenti letterari). Ecco allora un’immersione panica che Sakellariou, comositore elettroacustico greco, appronta con una sensibilitè da entusiasta (nel senso mistico greco). Nonostante sia musica urbvana …