@c presents “Three-Body Problem” in Porto

Anticipating the release of their new album, “Three-Body Problem”, Pedro Tudela and Miguel Carvalhais will present a session of videos commissioned to the tracks of the album, featuring new work from Miguel Leal, Roav & N. Teluric, Nuno Tudela, Cristina Mateus, Lia, André Rangel, Marc Behrens, Rodrigo Carvalho, and Tudela & Carvalhais.

“Three-Body Problem” is @c’s newest album, composed from the original soundtrack to “Agapornis” by Teatro de Marionetas do Porto, and featuring Susana Santos Silva, Angelica V. Salvi, Ricardo Jacinto and João Pais Filipe.

It’s next May 19, in Passos Manuel, starting at 22h. Entrance is free!

TRANSCENDENCE 115 from Lia on Vimeo.