Marc Behrens’s “Clould” reviewed by Vital Weekly

Marc Behrens was more active with releases a long time ago, the first decade of this century and the last half of the decade before that, but these days may have shifted his work into sound installations – who knows? Maybe he releases his music online mostly. There is a ‘preamble’ release for ‘Clould’, called …

Bruno Duplant’s “Écouter les fant​ô​mes“ reviewed by Vital Weekly

When I sometimes write that people like Bruno Duplant (or Celer or Machinefabriek) appear almost every week in Vital Weekly, I am doing this in a loving and joking way. I like their music, and there’s an abundance out there, so what’s not to enjoy? I say this fully, realising I’m not the one buying …

Philippe Petit’s “A Divine Comedy” reviewed by Felthat

Philippe Petit took up on a truly epic endeavour – both Dante Aligheri’s Divine Comedy and Gustave Dore illustrations for this classic work have been an inspiration for his newest work beautifully released as a double cd by Portuguese label Crónica based in Oporto, Portugal. It is a long set of narrative pieces which Philippe …

Jos Smolders’s “Textuur 2” reviewed by Anxious

Ten album jest drugą częścią serii, w której badam procesy usuwania dźwięków z ich oryginalnego kontekstu i cięcia ich na małe kawałki. W ten sposób dźwięki zostają oddzielone od swojego źródła i tym samym oderwane od tego, co pierwotnie reprezentowały. To, co jest dla mnie interesujące i stanowi wyzwanie w tym projekcie, to znalezienie obszaru, w którym reprezentacja znika, a dźwięk staje się abstrakcją. Gdzie to jest, zależy od oryginalnego …

Hannes Strobl’s “Transformation Sonor“ reviewed by Ambient Blog

Without it being explicitly mentioned, one could say that Transformation Sonor by Hannes Strobl is also very much in line with the music and sound of Eliane Radigue: ‘Transformation Sonor explores the idea of process, of the slow transition from one musical situation to another, of transformation on the threshold of equivalence and differentiation. Expressive, outward gestures that allow the sound …

Jos Smolders’s “Textuur 2” reviewed by African Paper

In den nächsten Tagen erscheint der zweite Teil von Jos Smolders’ “Textuur”-Projekt auf Crónica. Als Grundidee geht es um die permutative Überführung tanzbarer Musik in ein elektroakustisches Setting. Dazu heißt es in den Ausführungen des niederländischen Sounddesigners und Komponisten: “With this project, I wanted to investigate the immersion of dance music into an electroacoustic environment. …

David Lee Myers’s “Strange Attractors” reviewed by The Sound Projector

Sometimes working under his own name and at other times working as Arcane Device, which he has done since the mid-1980s, New Yorker David Lee Myers creates music using feedback systems, most of which he makes and develops himself. On this recent album “Strange Attractors”, Myers feeds a mix of feedback, found sounds and other …

Roel Meelkop’s “Viva in Pace” reviewed by The Sound Projector

Roel Meelkop’s career as a sound artist stretches back some 40 years since he started the post-industrial project THU20 with four other musicians in the early 1980s, and later decided to dedicate his career to investigating sound and music while studying visual arts and art theory at the Willem de Kooning Academy in Rotterdam. Among …

Philippe Petit’s “A Divine Comedy” reviewed by MusicMap

Avevo da poco raccontato il secondo capitolo di “A reassuring elsewhere”, un rassicurante altrove di Philippe Petit (che rassicurante non è…), e già l’artista ha già fatto uscire un nuovo lavoro: “A divine comedy”, uscito per Crónica Records. Dante Alighieri non finisce mai di ispirare gli artisti di tutti i tempi. La sua musica concreta, …