New release: Miguel A. García’s “Evhiblig”

“Is it possible to choose between the terror of silence or the terror of noise? Is emptiness more intoxicating? Does presence welcome us into its bosom, or does it expel us, usurping our place? The boundaries, if there are any, are blurred and, like false doubles, interchangeable. Sound and silence are conjoined twins. Those same …

Francisco López & Miguel A. García’s “Ekkert Nafn” reviewed by African Paper

Francisco López und sein auch unter dem Namen Xedh bekannter Kollege Miguel A. García sind leidenschaftliche Versteckspieler, stets auf der Suche nach alltäglichen Geräuschen mit interessierter Kehrseite, oder nach dem Potenzial dessen, was man herkömmlichen akustischen und elektronischen Instrumenten entlocken kann. Versteckspieler sind sie deshalb, weil bei ihnen selten Klänge in wiedererkennbarer Form ihren Weg …

New release: Miguel A. García & Oscar Martin’s “Kularrate”

Composed with materials generated by Miguel A. García and Oscar Martin in a meeting in the town of Apodaka, in Alava, Basque country, in the year 2015, this electroacoustic piece was originally released by the label Rhizome.s. Never completely satisfied with the result, during this confinement, Miguel A. García decided to revise it, reworking the mix, giving another dimension …

Francisco López & Miguel A. García’s “Ekkert Nafn” reviewed by The Sound Projector

On Ekkert Nafn (CRONICA 151 / TRONICDISEASE TD-3), two Spanish sound artists Francisco López and Miguel A. García collaborate on one of those sound-file swapping projects. Two long pieces are the result, apparently using the same source materials – there’s talk of field recordings, mechanical devices, digital transformation. López extends his for 31:53 and in terms of his ongoing no-titles-for-me-thanks project, he’s …

Francisco López & Miguel A. García’s “Ekkert Nafn” reviewed by Musique Machine

Roger BattyEkkert Nafn finds two respected Spanish sound artists utilizing & manipulating the same selection of sound materials- taking in field recordings & electrical/ mechanical devices- to create two thirty-minute tracks, which highlight both parties distinct way of sound-working.The artists are here Francisco López- a Madrid sound artists/ field recordist who’s been active since the mid-1980s, creating a large …

Francisco López & Miguel A. García’s “Ekkert Nafn” reviewed by Dark Entries

Als we Google Translate mogen geloven, en dat moeten we als liefhebber van deviante muziekjes en bijhorende vreemde titels vaker dan ons lief is, zou Ekkert Nafn “naamloos” betekenen in het Ijslands. Een eponiem album dus van geluidskunstenaars Francisco López en Miguel A. García (ook gekend onder de naam Xedh). López is de naam bij …