“Berlin Backyards” and “Ification” reviewed by Vital Weekly

One of the things I like Berlin (and some other German cities), is the backyards which houses. A small entrance and then you are surrounded by four sides of houses and apartments, and which are excellent for parties, concerts and such like. A form of social control also, that might be the downside, but I …

New series of releases available from Zero Inch

The Beautiful Schizophonic’s “Musicamorosa”, Davor Mikan’s “Täuschung”, Cem Güney’s “Praxis”, Gilles Aubry’s “Berlin Backyards” and the forthcoming Gintas K’s “Lovely Banalities” are now available through Zero Inch. More to come soon.

“Berlin Backyards” reviewed by Rockerilla

Quando si tratta di complicare l’ascolto la portoghese Crónica non è seconda a nessuno. Gilles Aubry è un ingegnere del suono svizzero con il pallino per i field recordings. Nel 2006 he ha registrati un bel po’ in giro per Berlino. Dopo averli rimaneggiati con i suoi calcolatori elettronici li ha assemblati in un blob …

Gilles Aubry performs in Madrid

Next Sunday, the 12th October, Gilles Aubry will be presenting his piece “Stralau 68” at the Teatro de La Escalera de Jacob, in Madrid. If you’re around, don’t miss the chance to hear a performance of Aubry’s most recent work, based on field recordings recorded at the empty rooms of Stralau 68, a former venue …

RadiaLX has started broadcasting

The RadiaLX festival of Radio Art has started the 9-day non-stop broadcast of some of the world’s best radio art. The program includes Gilles Aubry, @c, The Beautiful Schizophonic, Negativland, Paulo Raposo, Gintas K, Carlos Santos, André Gonçalves, Toy Bizarre, Felix Kubin, Christof Migone, Brandon Labelle, among many others. Two special Crónica programs will also …

RadiaLX 2008 website is up

The RadiaLX 2008 radio art festival is happening between September 20 and 28 in Lisboa, gathering a set of artists, instigators and producers which will deliver public interventions, performances, workshops, radio broadcasts, discussions and conferences. Curated by Paulo Raposo and Ricardo Reis, RadiaLX will among others feature Gilles Aubry performing live and broadcasts by Crónica, …

New CD release: Gilles Aubry’s “Berlin Backyards”

Swiss sound artist Gilles Aubry is no stranger to Crónica, having collaborated in two of the label’s compilations, “Essays on Radio” and “Mus*****c”. We are now very pleased to present his first CD in Crónica, the exquisite “Berlin Backyards”.

Spiritual Archives reviews Berlin Backyards

In the creative experience of Gilles Aubry (Swiss sound artist living in Berlin) references are a recurring use of field recordings and, at the same time, an evident interest for some characters of musique concrète. Gilles deals also with electronics and computer programming, with results ranging from experimentation to improvisation, matters handled with personal interpretation …