“Berlin Backyards” reviewed by Temporary Fault

This is a fine work, despite its obviously unpretentious nature. It might belong in the category of favourite listens for undisturbed moments in the early morning (now) or late evening, being mostly made with remote urban echoes – the title and the cover photographs say it all – which were recorded in 2006 by Aubry …

“Berlin Backyards” reviewed by Kathodik

Esposizione sonora d’interiora berlinesi. Quelle costituite per capirci, dai piccoli spazi aperti, nel retro delle case, delle botteghe. Luoghi usati di massima, per parcheggiare una bici, gettar rifiuti o per dare asilo al motore di un frigo; di un condizionatore. Esposizione d’interni dunque. Lo svizzero Gilles Aubry, vive a Berlino dal 2002, si occupa di …

“Berlin Backyards” reviewed by Kwadratuur

Op eerdere albums werkte de Zwitser Gilles Aubry samen met gastmuzikanten om zijn eigen abstracte computergeluiden te larderen met gitaar- en saxklanken (‘Swift Machine’ uit 2005) en percussie op porseleinen waterkommen (‘Apam Napat’ uit 2008). Voor zijn meest recente plaat ‘Berlin Backyards’ ging Aubry helemaal in zijn eentje aan de slag in verschillende Berlijnse achtertuinen …

“Berlin Backyards” reviewed by Loop

Swiss soundartist Gilles Aubry explores field recordings with organic and synthetic sounds of Berlin backyards. It’s amazing the many and the variety of sonorities produce by the city that can be the place where one lives or in other words, noises that citizens are responsible of; electric hum, metal beats, mechanic and repetitive movements, drones, …

“Berlin Backyards” reviewed by Comunicazione Interna

In “Berlin backyards” sono raccolte otto composizioni di musica concreta che riprocessano una ricca serie di field recordings catturati dal sound-designer svizzero Gilles Aubry nell’inverno del 2006 a Berlino. Ci viene così restituito un volto inedito della capitale tedesca, quello rappresentato da cortili e giardini interni, dove si è soliti parcheggiare le biciclette, dove risiedono …

“Berlin Backyards” reviewed by Textura

Obviously Aubry’s idea of a typical Berlin backyard isn’t a quiet and peaceful haven one retreats to as a respite from the noise of the city but instead a place where loud, industrial machinery churns relentlessly. Such equipment—air conditioners, trash compactors, recycling containers, electric power stations, all of which keep the city running—exhales convulsively like …

“Berlin Backyards” reviewed by Liability Webzine

Les titres d’albums sont parfois très explicites. Celui-ci l’est complètement. Difficile de faire autrement, d’ailleurs, puisque tout ce qui compose Berlin Backyards est la signification même du titre du disque. En effet, Gilles Aubry, qui habite Berlin depuis 2002, qui est membre des groupes Monno et Swift Machine et dont les enregistrements en solo ont …

“Berlin Backyards” reviewed by Etherreal

Gilles Aubry est originaire de Suisse et vit à Berlin depuis 2002, où il produit sa musique aussi bien en solo qu’au sein de groupes dans des styles variés, allant du doom metal en tant que Monno (chez Conspiracy Records) aux musiques improvisées avec Swift Machine. En solo il travaille plutôt dans le domaine du …

“Berlin Backyards” reviewed by Musique Machine

Berlin Backyards finds Swiss sound artists Gilles Aubry building pressing/swirling drones and sound texture sheens from subtle manipulated field recordings sourced from various Berlin backyards over the winter of 2006. He utilises the sound of rubbish truck machinery, road sounds, distant city sound echoes, bird song and chatter, dripping and crunching on concrete, vehicle sound …

“Berlin Backyards” reviewed by Le Son du Grisli

Suisse aujourd’hui installé à Berlin, Gilles Aubry enregistra là, en 2006, le matériau de Berlin Backyards : field recordings modelés ensuite pour mieux révéler l’immatériel rencontré partout à la périphérie de la ville. Changé en réalité de l’artiste, donc : grain traînant parmi la structure d’une mécanique à l’allure presque toujours égale, aigus perçants parmi …