“Product 06” reviewed by Vital

Grabowski also appears on ‘Product 06’ by Cronica Electronica. Until now, two musicians were part of ‘Product’, together with a designer. But here we have three different musicians, apart from Grabowski, also The Beautiful Schizophonic and a track by James Eck Rippie and Paolo Raposo (the man behind Sirr-ecords). in Grabowski’s ‘But I’m Not’ he …

“Product 06” reviewed by Gaz-Eta

Sixth in a series of Product releases on the Portuguese Cronica label, “Product 06” features a variety of artists firmly rooted in the electro-acoustic / laptop / experimental side of the spectrum. Polish composer Pawel Grabowski says this about his piece “But I’m Not” which opens this compilation: “But I’m Not is just one, 20 …

“Product 06” reviewed by Blow Up

Arriva al sesto capitolo la serie Product, collana dell’etichetta portoghese Crónica che mette a confronto artisti sonori e visivi da più parti del mondo. Nell’occasione i graffi grafici di Casey B. Reas fanno da trampolino alle divagazioni foniche di Pawel Grabowski, The Beautiful Schizophonic e James Eck Rippie + Paulo Raposo. Di questi ultimi il …

“Product 06” reviewed by Infratunes

Sixième compilation de la série Product initiée par le label Cronica electronica, celle-ci rassemble 4 projets soucieux de varier le propos d’une ambient expérimentale parfois trop rigoriste. L’enjeu, pas impossible, demandait pourtant d’autres efforts. Ouvrant le bal, Pawel Grabowski imbrique field recordings et drones, reverses et larsens, dans le but d’illustrer cette étrange fatalité, qui …

“Product 06” reviewed by Touching Extremes

Sixth in the “Product” series, here comes a beautiful split CD which is rather different from the usual criteria of this ever-so-surprising label, being mostly centred around hypnosis and bewitching soundscapes, with engrossing effects on the psyche as a primary consequence. Ireland-based, Poland-born Pawel Grabowski presents a long composition called “But I’m not”, where obfuscated …

“Further Consequences of Reinterpretation” reviewed by Vital

To describe what led to this CD is not an easy task. It started with the artist *0 (Nosei Sakata) who invited a bunch of people to remix his CD ‘O.000’ (which delt in many ways with silence, or at least sounds outside the hearing range) and among them was Marc Behrens. After the results …

“Further Consequences of Reinterpretation” reviewed by Funprox

Like its title suggests it is a further interpretation and reworking of a work called “0.000” that was once released by Japanese artist Nosei Sakata (perhaps better known as *0). The original work of Sakata contained no audible sounds, and was therefore ideally open for interpretation. The work was “remixed” and reworked by a score …

“Further Consequences of Reinterpretation” reviewed by Rui Eduardo Paes

Músico electroacústico e videasta com formação em filosofia e cinema, Paulo Raposo está em fase de particular afirmação. Vimos recentemente o espectáculo intermedia que idealizou com base num texto de Raul Brandão, «Húmus», e com as colaborações de Carlos “Zíngaro” e do actor António Saboga, e assistimos às suas manipulações vídeo no espectáculo «Senso», do …

“Further Consequences of Reinterpretation” reviewed by Urban Mag

Paulo Raposo is de man achter het Portugese experimentele Sirr.ecords. ‘Further Consequences of Reinterpretation’ is een verregaande samenwerking met de experimentele muzikant Marc Behrens. Het idee voor de cd kwam oorspronkelijk van de Japanse minimale geluidsartiest Nosei Sakata of *0. Diens cd ‘0.000’ bevatte geluid dat buiten de menselijke gehoorgrens lag. Dus kreeg je een …

“Further Consequences of Reinterpretation” reviewed by Bad Alchemy

Ausgangspunkt dieser Konzeptsequenz war die CD 0.000 von Nosei Sakata. Die enthält überwiegend Töne, die vom menschlichen Ohr nicht wahrgenommen werden können. Die Prämisse, dass man Alles quasi aus Nichts erschaffen kann, führte, indem sich Elektroniker wie Aube, Behrens, Richard Cartier, Hsi-Chuang Cheng, Bernhard Günter, John Hudak oder Steve Roden demiurgisch zu schaffen machten, zur …