David Lee Myers’s “Strange Attractors” reviewed by Music Map

Alcuni concetti sono ricorrenti perché affascinano numerosi artisti. David Lee Myers ne riapre uno spesso frequentato di recente, grazie alle continue conferme dalla fisica quantistica: il tempo non esiste. Noi siamo organismi che crescono e cambiano, in un prima e in un dopo. Ma quello che misuriamo è un continuum. Giorno e notte li consideriamo …

New release: Matilde Meireles’s “Vanishing Points”

Sound is everywhere. It exists on so many scales at times it is difficult to grasp. Its energies intertwine with the wider systems of a city, bleeding beyond borders and passing through our perceived boundaries. Many of these intersecting energies are imperceptible to humans. Even spaces we consider quiet are, in fact, extremely busy, full …

Miguel A. García’s “Eraginie” reviewed by Vital Weekly

Miguel A. García is an artist living in Bilbao who works in experimental music and sound art. He is active in various groups or collectives and is also known under his other project name, Xedh. In another life, for another magazine (back in 2010), I got to review his release “Vinduskarm” on the Athens-based Triple …

New release: Philippe Petit’s “Drinking the Acheron River at Its Source”

We are thrilled to present the first release by Philippe Petit in Crónica his brilliant “Drinking the Acheron River at Its Source”, now available as a download or stream. This is a prequel to A Divine Comedy… Philippe Petit has completed his most ambitious work to appear on Cronica early in 2024, A Divine Comedy, taking Dante …

David Lee Myers’s “Strange Attractors” reviewed by African Paper

Gerade ist ein neues Album des New Yorker (Klang-)Künstlers David Lee Myers erschienen, der auch unter seinem Projekt Arcane Device bekannt ist, es enthält vier auslandende Tracks von meist kreisender Dröhnung, die sich in Fülle und Intensität stetig steigert. Ein wesentlicher Fokus des u.a. auf Feedback, gesampleten Geräuschen und digitalen Zeiteffekten (Delay, Reverse etc.) basierenden …

David Lee Myers’s “Strange Attractors” reviewed by Radiohörer

Strange Attractors ist ein Beispiel für das, was man Zeitverschiebungsmusik nennen könnte. Eine wechselnde Mischung aus Rückkopplungen, anderen Geräuschquellen und gefundenen Klängen wird in eine Reihe von digitalen Stereo-Verzögerungseinheiten eingespeist, deren Parameter (Verzögerungszeit, Reverse, Freeze usw.) in Echtzeit über LFOs, Sample- und Hold-Regler usw. sowie durch manuelle Live-Anpassungen manipuliert werden, um ein sich ständig weiterentwickelndes …

David Lee Myers’s “Strange Attractors” reviewed by Anxious

Strange Attractors to przykład tego, co można nazwać muzyką Time Displacement. Zmienna mieszanka sprzężeń zwrotnych, innych źródeł hałasu i znalezionych dźwięków jest podawana do serii stereofonicznych cyfrowych delayów, których parametrami manipuluje się w czasie rzeczywistym za pomocą LFO, kontrolerów sampli, a także ręcznych zmian na żywo, aby stworzyć stale ewoluujący pastisz dźwięków. Siedzenie w ciszy (zwłaszcza późno w nocy) i słuchanie tych kompozycji może być dziwnie ekscytujące. …

@c + Drumming GP‘s “For Percussion” reviewed by Music Map

Questo è un lavoro di ricerca, musica sperimentale su commissione, tutto incentrato sulle potenzialità delle percussioni. @C + Drumming GP è il nome di questo progetto, diretto da Miquel Bernat e composto e prodotto da Miguel Carvalhais e Pedro Tudela. Prima di partire coi lavori, i membri del progetto si sono interrogati su cosa voglia …

New release: David Lee Myers’s “Strange Attractors”

Crónica is very proud to present a new release by David Lee Myers, Strange Attractors! Strange Attractors is an example of what may be called Time Displacement Music. A varying mix of feedback, other noise sources, and found sounds are fed to a series of stereo digital delay units whose parameters (delay time, reverse, freeze, etc.) are …