“Unfurling Streams” reviewed by Ether Real

Depuis qu’on l’a découvert en 2011, Monty Adkins apparaît régulièrement sur ces pages avec un plaisir renouvelé. C’est chez Audiobulb qu’on le découvrait mais son champ de travail est assez large et lui permet d’apparaître sur des labels aussi variés que Signature (le label de Radio France) ou encore empreintes DIGITALes. On a cette fois …

“Unfurling Streams” reviewed by Chain DLK

“For whatever we lose (like a you or a me) /its always ourselves we find in the sea”. These well-known lines that close E.E.Cummings’s poem “maggy an milly and molly and may” already inspired many artists with a love for one of the most beautiful nature’s contribution to our planet that the American poet described …

“Unfurling Streams” reviewed by Blow Up

Dopo aver lavorato negli anni novanta nel campo dell’acusmatica e della sperimentazione multimediale, Monty Adkins nella scorsa decade si è avvicinato ad una formula espressiva più intimista, concentrandosi su un’idea di elettronica eterea e minimale. A questo stesso contesto appartiene la musica di “Unfurling Streams”, basata su alcune registrazioni di percussioni rielaborate elettronicamente e trasformate …

“Unfurling Streams” reviewed by Dance Like Shaquille O’Neal

Basate sulle registrazioni di strumenti a percussione realizzate dal britannico Monty Adkins (compositore, performer e professore di musica elettronica sperimentale, co-direttore artistico del Electric Spring Festival) in collaborazione con Jonny Axelsson, le composizioni contenute in questo “Unfurling Streams” si ispirano alle liriche di E. E. Cummings: “for whatever we lose (like a you or a …

“Unfurling Streams” reviewed by Liability

On peut toujours s’enorgueillir à dire que la musique acousmatique a surtout trouvé racine en France mais, c’est comme le rock aujourd’hui, elle s’est développée un peu partout et elle n’est plus l’apanage d’un seul pays. Et c’est heureux. C’est en tout cas le signe d’une musique qui continue à vivre mais aussi qu’elle est …

“Unfurling Streams” reviewed by 5:4

From one black box to another: large, black and—unless you tilt it to the light—anonymous, within which is contained Unfurling Streams, a new sound/image work created by Monty Adkins and Stephen Harvey. The two collaborated on last year’s Rift Patterns, and this new work displays the same close attention to the intricate, intimate marriage of …

“Unfurling Streams” reviewed by Ambient Blog

If you check the back catalogue of Monty Adkins (which I definitely think you should), you’ll find that he often chooses a single instrument to work with and then starts exploring its possibilities and manipulating its sounds. And while the starting point and sounds are very different to begin with, he manages to create a …

“Unfurling Streams” reviewed by Rockerilla

Il compositore inglese Monty Adkins continua a pubblicare dischi meravigliosi. Unfurling Streams si nutre degli stessi riflessi accecanti e delle stesse lunghezze d’onda degli imperdibili Four Shibusa (Audiobulb, 2012) e Borderlands (Audiobulb, 2015). Sei lunghe tracce senza titolo costruite sui suoni di percussioni registrate dallo stesso Adkins insieme all’amico Jonny Axelsson. Riverberi di armonici legati …

“Unfurling Streams” reviewed by Bad Alchemy

MONTY ADKINS, jener feinsinnige Dröhnminimalist und Elektroakustiker aus Warwickshire, der zuletzt mit Fragile, Flicker, Fragment (2011) sich in Erinnerungen vertiefte und bei Four Shibusa (2012) sich von japanischer Schlichtheit leiten ließ, der sinniert nun hier bei Unfurling Streams (Cró­nica 094~2015) über eine ziemlich bekannt gewordene Zeile von E. E. Cum­mings: for whatever we lose (like …

“Unfurling Streams” reviewed by Amusio

Das Leben ist ein langer ruhiger Fluss? Anders als der französische Kinokassenerfolg aus vergangenen Zeiten, scheint der britische Komponist Monty Adkins diese Gleichung auf seiner neuen Arbeit tendenziell bejahen zu wollen. Denn Unfurling Streams (Crónica, ab 25.März), mäandert der musikalisch nachgezeichnete Lebenslauf auf höchst angenehm Weise träge und von den Unbillen der Existenz scheinbar unbeeindruckt …