Philippe Petit’s “A Divine Comedy” reviewed by De Subjectivisten

Zodra de naam Philippe Petit opduikt, mag je de oren spitsen. Zeker als je voor de meer avontuurlijke muziek gaat. Dat geldt niet eens alleen voor zijn eigen muziek of die hij maakt met Strings Of Consciousness of zijn bevriende artiesten, waaronder K11, Lydia Lunch, Cosey Fanni Tuti, Cindytalk, PAS, Ron Anderson, Robert L. Pepper, …

Sun Dog’s “Col des Tempètes” reviewed by The Sound Projector

Nice piece of voice-with-electronics improvisation by Sun Dog, the team of ErikM and Isabelle Duthoit. Col Des Tempètes (CRONICA ELECTRONICA 192-2022) comes to us from January 2022 and ErikM points out that it’s one in an informal series of such voice-collaborations he’s worked on, including ones with Phil Minton and Catherine Jauniaux. Duthoit comes to us from a classical music background and …

20 Years × 180 Minutes

Goodbye 2023. It’s been great to celebrate Crónica’s twentieth. And we wouldn’t like to leave you without leaving just one more thing… So here it is, an end of the year, special release, exclusively through our Bandcamp page, “20 Years × 180 Minutes”, a 21-track mix revisiting Crónica’s history throughout these first two decades. In …

Philippe Petit’s “A Divine Comedy” reviewed by Vital Weekly

I didn’t realise: Philippe Petit started DJing on the radio and editing fanzines in 1983, and now, forty years later, he is still active. In between, he ran a record label, Bip Hop, but in recent years, he has only been active as a composer. For his new release, he takes his inspiration from Dante …

Luca Forcucci’s “Terra” reviewed by The New Noise

Abbiamo incrociato la traiettoria artistica di Luca Forcucci con il precedente e riuscito esperimento di field recording totale De Rerum Natura, esperienza sonora di immersione tridimensionale nella foresta pluviale brasiliana. Nonostante il contenuto acustico in quell’occasione fosse perfettamente intellegibile, già si intuiva una sensibilità “manipolatoria”, desiderio di aumentare le possibilità sonore della realtà attraverso lo zampino …

New release: @c’s “Installations: Octo _ _ _ _ (2019)”

During their collaboration as @c, Pedro Tudela and Miguel Carvalhais developed several installations, often site-specific and ephemeral works. This series of releases in Crónica is dedicated to revisiting these installation works, occasionally with situ recordings, but also further exploring the computational systems developed for the works, archival materials, and other assets, presenting new compositions that unfold …

Marla Hlady & Christof Migone’s “Swan Song” reviewed by Neural

There is a whole line of field recordings that are not “found” at all; that is, they are not the result of psychogeographic wanderings, but, on the contrary, are carefully prepared and have well-defined places and situations as their object. During a three-month artistic residency in the summer of 2019 in Glenfiddich (Dufftown, Scotland), Marla …

New release: Enrico Coniglio’s “Luci Fisse + Luci Erranti“

We’re happy to announce Enrico Coniglio’s new release in Crónica, “Luci Fisse + Luci Erranti”, a work where Coniglio continues to explore sonic territories that blur the lines between ambient, drone and experimental findings. Thsi EP seamlessly builds on the sonic tapestry established in his The Grand Parade of Hostile Winds, released in 2019, and …

“Lisboa Soa, Sounds Within Sounds” reviewed by Music Map

Lisboa Soa è un festival di sound art, cultura dell’ascolto ed ecologia. L’obiettivo dichiarato di questa rassegna è la valorizzazione della musica contemporanea che abbia anche un significato sociale ed ecologico, in modo da produrre una maggiore coscienza ambientale e dell’impatto determinato dalla nostra presenza. Nel 2021, dopo cinque edizioni, Lisboa Soa ha deciso di …