Designed by João Cruz.
Crónica at Club Transmediale’s Creative Independents Network Market
Saturday, January 31st, join Crónica (represented by Cruz) at the Creative Independents Network Market of this year’s Club Transmediale. This market will offer the opportunity to share know-how and to present the work of aficionados of independent music and media culture who wish to make their projects, products and activities known to a wider audience and meet fellow activists. Entrance is free, so if you’re around pass by to meet us and to get to know our latest releases.
Festival Rescaldo
17, 23 and 24 January, Lisboa, Teatro A Barraca. Festival Rescaldo 08, featuring The Beautiful Schizophonic, One-Off, Carlos ZÃngaro with Nobuyasu Furuya, among others.
“Täuschung†reviewed by Adverse Effect
Four years in the making, the 28 miniatures (as, indeed, they generally are; only one piece goes over the four minutes mark, only a few hover around the two-to-three-minutes length, and the remainder range from eleven seconds to being barely much longer than a minute) here by Mikan, a Vienna-based artist given to combining algorithmic music with handmade sounds, resemble the type of scrunched-up electro-acoustic compositions RLW has perfected over the years. Balls of light and dark bounce against jagged and often jarring micro-patterns teased into something then invitingly teased elsewhere. As with other such works, this is not a place to turn to for comfort or to get dragged along by. Instead, Mikan creates a completely absorbing space where sounds are explored and pushed into new realms perfectly reflecting the whole gamut of emotions without the crutches served by convention. It is music designed to climb inside, and it works fantastically.(RJ)
Tonight: André Gonçalves, Michael J Schumacher, Tom Chiu and Nisi Jacobs live in NY
Solos and duos and a fourtet improv at Monkey Town.
New Crónicaster: @c
Gintas K’s Lovely Banalities is in production
The 40th Crónica release, Gintas K’s Lovely Banalities, with magnificent cover art by David Muth, is in the final stages of production. Copies are expected soon!
Ran Slavin’s solo evening in Tel Aviv
Next January 7, Ran Slavin will be performing at the Third Ear Ozenbar & Ozen Cinema, at King George’s St. in Tel Aviv. A solo evening will feature two live audiovisual performances at 20.30 and 22.30 and four screenings at all third ear cinemas.
2 for 1 promotion, only one day left
Send in your last orders today to be able to get a free second CD for each one you order.