paL’s best of 2008


  1. baby Petra can read and write!… and she draws nicelly!
  2. twitterrific: the best and fastest way of web feeding… yet!
  3. concert: a vietnam story: carl minnemann (bass), pedro almeida (piano) and kitato (slideshow)
  4. performance/concert: “music for 6 guitars”, by Ben Frost… i had a great experience playing so intensely!
  5. ce started the Unlimited Releases with VVAA: Mus*****c ce032
  6. Handy Japan: creating in Porto (Portugal) inspired by the japannese culture. Lara and i organized the event!
  7. crónica concert: natal dos experimentais, 9 musicians breathing properly (Passos Manuel, Porto, Portugal)
  8. i got my first ipod touch… Lara is motherchristmas!
  9. we have a piece of land: Sangemondes (Ponte de Lima, Portugal)
  10. Mr. Obama, black, president of the USA!… change… true!

Gintas K’s best of 2008

Wrapping up 2008 and opening 2009, we compiled the year’s highlights from Crónica’s artists and friends. First of the lot, Gintas Kraptavičius!

Releases: @c & Vitor Joaquim “De-tour” (Feld); @c “Study” (Grain of Sound); Ben Frost “Theory of Machines” (Bedroom Community); Anthony Pateras “Chasms” (Sirr); Snd “4_5_6” (Snd); Haswell & Hecker “Blackest ever black” [electroacoustic UPIC recordings]; Robbie Avenaim “Rhythmic Movement Disorder” (ROOM40); Pedro Tudela & Pedro Almeida “Cronicaster 028”. Performances: Frank Bretschneider at festival Jauna Muzika (Vilnius, CAC), Ambar (Paulo Raposo, John Grzinich, Maksim Shenteliev) at event VYgyvai7 (Vilnius, CAC). Exhibitions: “The Owl Project” at Lydgalleriet (Bergen). Festivals: “THE WHITE NIGHT” Contemporary Art Forum 2008 Riga, Garso Zona 2008 festival Vilnius. Movies: “My Blueberry Nights” directed by Kar Wai Wong; “Opium: Diary of a Madwoman”, directed by Janos Szasz; “4”, directed by Ilya Khrzhanovsky; “Dust”, directed by Sergej Loban. Book: “The Witch of Portobello” by Paulo Coelho.

Tonight: Crónica’s Natal dos Experimentais 2008


Tonight Crónica will present the 2008 edition of “Natal dos Experimentais” with an exquisite 9tet, featuring Gustavo Costa, Jonathan Uliel, Miguel Cardoso, Miguel Carvalhais, Neil Davidson, Pedro Almeida, Pedro Tudela, The Beautiful Schizophonic and Vitor Joaquim.

After the performance, Cruz and Paulo Vinhas will DJ in the bar and club.

The entrance is free and Crónica will be giving away xmas gifts, so come and join us at Passos Manuel, in Porto, from 23 onwards.

Natal dos Experimentais 2008


Next Friday, December 19, Crónica will present the 2008 edition of “Natal dos Experimentais”. This year we will feature a superb 9tet, with Gustavo Costa, Jonathan Uliel, Miguel Cardoso, Miguel Carvalhais, Neil Davidson, Pedro Almeida, Pedro Tudela, The Beautiful Schizophonic and Vitor Joaquim.

After the performance, Cruz and Paulo Vinhas will DJ in the bar and club.

The entrance is free and Crónica will be giving away xmas gifts, so come and join us at Passos Manuel, in Porto, from 23 onwards.

“Praxis” reviewed by Revolver Club

Praxis cover
um sich dieser platte zu nähern muss der normale indie hörer erst einmal seine hörgewohnheiten über bord werfen bzw. erheblich erweitern.

der opener besteht im wesentlichen aus kurzen wortfetzen, die zu einer collage zusammengefügt werden und vielleicht ein wenig an die stückeleien eines stockhausen erinnern. nicht mein ding. umso besser, dass es ganz anders weiter geht. digitale sounds, sehr minimal, teils sehr hochfrequenzig und zwar so hoch, dass es -wie im titeltrack- bisweilen bis an die schmerzgrenze reicht, sind die zutaten des restlichen albums. sie wirken aber durch ihre kombination absolut nicht anstrengend, wie man vielleicht denken könnte, nein, vielmehr beruhigend, entspannend, wenn nicht sogar meditativ.

der vertrieb a-musik ist da bestens gewählt, denkt man doch gleich an clicks and cuts künstler, die sich bereits anfang der 2000er auf labels wie „staubgold“ auf derartige soundexpeditionen begeben haben. neu ist das nicht, aber schön, sowas mal wieder zu hören. (volker kindt)

via revolver-club