“Three-Body Problem” reviewed by Blow Up

“Three-Body Problem” è il sedicesimo album di @c, duo portoghese. Parte, come il precedente “Ab OVO”, da uns pièce su Anaïs Nin (“Agapornis”), per il teatro delle marionette di Porto. Attraverso uns serie di collaborazioni e rielaborazioni @c sono arrivati a maturare, dopo una gestazione di oltre due anni, delle composizioni dalla trama apparentemente sghemba …

@c & Ephraim Wegner live in Basel

Next Sunday, June 19, Ephraim Wegner and @c (Pedro Tudela and Miguel Carvalhais) will perform in Basel, at the Schwarzwaldallee gallery. This concert is a part of the show In a Good Shape, with works of Martin Chramosta, Sonia Kacem, Brigham Baker and David Hanes, curated by Sébastien Peter. The event is organized in collaboration …

“Three-Body Problem” reviewed by Silence and Sound

Artistes multidisciplinaires, Miguel Carvalhais et Pedro Tudela aka @c, sont des quasi vétérans de la scène lusitanienne. Avec ce nouvel album, Three-Body Problem, le seizième de leur discographie, tiré d’une création pour un spectacle de marionnettes, Agapornis, le duo nous plonge dans un monde étrange fait de murmures et de bruitages semblant surgir d’un monde …

“Three-Body Problem” reviewed by RifRaf

Juin, mois des chouchous. En provenance du Portugal, précisément du Théâtre de Marionnettes de Porto. Abonné depuis leur ‘Ab OVO’ de 2014, le duo @C renouvelle l’expérience sur ‘Three Body Problem’ (Crónica, plus que jamais). Les premiers instants sont énigmatiques, le temps de défricher le terrain. De percevoir les acquaintances avec Peter Rehberg, de se …

Futurónica 167

Episode 167 of Futurónica, a broadcast in Rádio Manobras (91.5 MHz in Porto, 18h30) and Rádio Zero (21h GMT, repeating on Tuesday at 01h) airs tomorrow, May 27th. The playlist of Futurónica 167 is: @c, 111 (Bacchanale) (2016, Three-Body Problem, Crónica) @c, 112 (Pace) (2016, Three-Body Problem, Crónica) @c, 113 (Advent) (2016, Three-Body Problem, Crónica) …

New release: @c’s “Three-Body Problem”

Three-Body Problem is @c’s sixteenth full-length album, and their eighth in Crónica. Like the previous Ab OVO, this album started as a soundtrack for the puppet theatre play Agapornis, premièred by the Teatro de Marionetas do Porto in October 2014, and inspired in the life and works of Anaïs Nin. Three-Body Problem was (re)composed after …

“Three-Body Problem” reviewed by Nitesylez

Another fresh one from the Portuguese Cronica imprint is “Three-Body Problem”, the sixteenth – sic! – full-length album composed by @c which is based on the music the duo of Pedro Tudela and Miguel Carvalhais composed for the puppet theatre play “Agapornis” back in 2014. Whilst track “Transcendence 115” has already been introduced a few …

Tomorrow: @c presents “Three-Body Problem” in Porto

Pedro Tudela and Miguel Carvalhais will present their new album, “Three-Body Problem”, with a session of videos featuring new works from Miguel Leal, Roav & N. Teluric, Nuno Tudela, Cristina Mateus, Lia, André Rangel, Marc Behrens, Rodrigo Carvalho, and Tudela & Carvalhais. “Three-Body Problem” is @c’s newest album, composed from the original soundtrack to “Agapornis” …